Chapter 2812, you are a bait.

The swallowing whale thought it was a beautiful scent, and opened his mouth and waited for the three to come out and chew them.

"Big fish, we are only three feet away from your mouth, you have to pay attention! You must never shut up!"

The swallowing whale is proud of it. This human little girl is really stupid. If they cut it with a knife and a knife, it really has no good way to deal with them. The sky is violently rolling in the sea, trying to rush them into the stomach.

Now it’s good, they took the initiative to die, it’s a dead end!

When the swallowing whale was thinking about it, it felt something rushing over its mouth. It quickly gnashed its teeth, licking, and biting the big stone!

When it didn't respond, it was a matter of how it happened. I felt it was very irritating in the nose, aunt! Hit a few big sneezes!

Then I saw three human beings squirted out, and the little girl said with a smile: "Stupid, big stone is not good?!"

The swallowing of whales is going to turn white!

This skunk is deliberate! She didn't intend to escape from its mouth, she just intended to go out from the nostrils, hateful! It is awful!

The swallowing whales are in a hurry and are chasing after them. It has never been played like this. Today, the three humans must be killed to solve the hatred of their hearts.

"Small nine sisters, you are really smart! If we really come out from the mouth, it must be dead!" An Linchuan admire.

"I am not stupid, how can I really come out of it?! We better think of a way to kill it, or else it is really uncomfortable to be chased by it." Clouds blinked in the eyes and flashed a stern color.

An Linchuan and Shangguantun felt that the cloud was crazy at first!

"Little nine sister, you have no fever? That is the forty-five-stage swallowing whale! And this is still in the sea, where are our opponents?! I am still a fire root, I am in the water, I It’s a waste wood.” An Linchuan said annoyedly.

"It’s hard to fight, we can take it. Brother, since you are so waste, you should be a bait! My brother and I are responsible for getting rid of the eyes of the swallowing whale. As long as its eyes are abolished, the rest will be It’s easy!” said Yunchu.

An Linchuan almost didn't vomit blood!

He said that he was a waste and let him make a bait. Isn't that let him die?

At the beginning of the cloud, I stuffed a bottle of bottles and jars at An Linchuan: "There are dyes inside. When it catches up with you, you can dye the dye. You are responsible for running. You don't care about other things."

An Linchuan felt a little comfort in his heart. With these dyes at least he could help him win some time. He worried and asked: "Can you really do it? Or else we can run, there are at least a few dyes." child."

The beginning of the cloud shook his head: "The remedy is not a cure, the dye is always useful. One day, I just tasted it. The meat of the swallowing whale is very delicious. If the big swallow whale gets back, it is enough for us to eat. It’s been a long time.”

An Linchuan: "..."

I am afraid, the next sentence is your heartfelt?

After the three divisions were completed, when the swallowing whale approached the three, An Linchuan sprinkled a jar of dye out, and then shouted loudly: "Oh, help! The **** stupid fish must catch up with us! Run! ”

(End of this chapter)

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