Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2904: The crisis of the Xianyuan continent

Chapter 2904 The Crisis of the Immortal Continent

An Linchuan’s endless expression of his admiration for a certain deity, the appearance of the Shangguan’s face next to him also showed a adoration.

"Cough, well, I know that you are small, the worship of the male god. However, he is now gone, can we play the landlord?"

An Linchuan hates iron and does not become a steel tone: "Small nine sisters, the great **** once said, let us practice well, how can you waste time? Hurry up, hurry to practice, we help God to stare at you."

"Yeah, Xiaoji Shimei, although you are very smart, but your spiritual strength is still too weak, you should not play in the future, hurry up and practice! Don't let down the expectations of the great god."

A nine: "..."

It’s a day! It is no wonder that Xiaobai’s face did not repeat the eight-character rumors several times as usual. It was originally arranged for the brain powder to stare at her, enough!

From this day on, An Linchuan and Shangguanyu took turns to stare at a certain nine cultivation, so that the disciples of the law enforcement office were moved.

They think that An Linchuan and Shangguan Temple are for the stability and unity of the mixed Yuanzong. They are for the long-term stability of the mixed Yuanzong. Therefore, they have been staring at the beginning of the cloud in the courtyard of Yunxiao, and they are true disciples. And dedication.

For a few days, Yunchu was honestly practicing in the yard, and the mixed Yuanzong felt that he suddenly stopped a lot.

Especially the law enforcement department, I feel that I am so sick!

This day, a calm life has been broken!

In the coalition between the West and the Yi people, the **** of the Yi people led to a fiasco and heavy casualties.

Many masters sent by the super family have squandered Dantian, all killed!

Many masters of the Tiancheng Alliance blew Dantian, all killed!

Many elders sent by the Yuan Yuanzong smashed Dan Tian, ​​all killed!

Many elders sent by the mixed sects smashed Dantian, all killed!

It is precisely because these people’s self-sacrifice temporarily prevented the Yi people from crossing the last barrier of the Terran. Otherwise, once the Yi people crossed the last barrier of the Terran, they would spread to the entire mainland of the Yuanyuan, and it would be difficult to find a net. Adding difficulty.

The news came that the entire Xianyuan continent was caught in sorrow and anger. Everyone did not expect that the Yi people would become so powerful in these tens of thousands of years, even faintly surpassing the strength of the original Mozu.

The urgent task now is to continue to send monks to block the pace of the Yi people. Otherwise, once the Yi people cross the barrier, the consequences are unimaginable.

As the two super-sects, the mixed Yuan Zong and Yu Yuanzong are naturally the first to bear the brunt.

However, in order to avoid the devil's temple, it still left half of the staff to stay.

As a small servant in the big kitchen, Yunchu’s first use of her is not to be used for assault, but An Linchuan and Shangguan’s as a true disciple are duty-bound.

I usually enjoy better treatment than others. When I am in distress, I have to take the lead.

The two of them came to the departure and said goodbye to Yunchu, and An Linchuan changed his usual hahaha. It was very serious: "Small nine sisters, we are leaving, there may be no chance to meet in the future. You are nothing but A chores, how can the wheel not reach you, you will be honestly in the mixed yuan.

Even if the Yi people really broke the Terran line of defense, the mixed Yuanzong was safe because of the defensive lineage. When the **** comes out, you have a talisman, and by then you will be safe. ”

(End of this chapter)

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