Chapter 2908 Fire Head Army

Cold Kui felt very relieved at the side, so! See how this bad thing packs!

I regret this in the beginning of the cloud. If I knew that there was a spiritual level requirement here, she would poke the spiritual level to the level of the spirit!

She turned her eyes and said: "This uncle, although I am not very spiritual, but I have special skills! I will cook fire, people are iron rice is steel, when the war, logistics is also very important, you Just accept me as a fire army!"

The middle-aged man in the Scouting Union hesitated, although the cultivators carried dry food with them, but if they could eat hot meals, it would be good, so they said:

"Well, if that's the case, then accept you! After a while, I will arrange a few low-spirited people to form a fire-headed army with you. You will buy some cookware and ingredients, and when you cook, you will pay for it. I am here."

The cold quiz mouth standing next to it twitched, is this OK? However, this cargo is a burning gimmick in the mixed yuan sect. When he went to Qi Yuanzong, he still burned the steamed hoe. I didn’t expect it to be a burning hoe. It’s really a good thing to burn the steamed hoe!

When cold Kui was in the belly, he heard the smile of the cloud and said: "You don't have to find someone else. I can do it with my brother."

Leng Kui will not respond to the one-and-a-half-year-old brother who was in the beginning of the cloud. When the middle-aged man replaced the jade card in his hand with the fire-fighting army, he almost didn't breathe!

Black Heart Nine also got a jade card with the words "Fire Head Army Cold Little Nine".

The goods smashed the cold-faced cold Kui, took the Lingshi that the man turned to him, and bought pots and pans and many ingredients on the street.

Leng Kui’s face is iron and blue: “What do you mean by the beginning of the cloud?! You are willing to be a fire-headed army, what do you do with me?”

"Brother, I am now called Xiao Xiaojiu, don't scream! You are brothers and sisters, of course, you have to be together! Besides, what is wrong with the fire-headed army? Everyone in the scattered league has to sneak out, who should Offended me, I am laxative in his food."

Leng Kui: "..."

What do you want to do to kill this product? This scourge comes here purely!

Although cold Kui is not happy in his heart, it has become a fait accompli, and he has to swallow his voice.

Two days later, the Scouting Alliance recruited thousands of people and drove into the vast sea of ​​sand.

At the beginning of the cloud, this product only remembered an important question. What's special, she and Leng Kui only have two people. How can they care for the food of so many people? It is good to be able to manage a hundred people's meals!

Fortunately, the middle-aged Feng Zhi found her and said: "Cold Xiaojiu, your brothers and sisters can only take care of the food of the first team. I have arranged other people for the other two groups."

Feng Zhi’s reason for this arrangement is because the first team of people are highly skilled and scattered, very proud.

He felt that the cloud was smart and should be able to cope with it, so she and Leng Kui were in charge of the first team's food.

Although the culinary art is not very good, but the mouth is sweet, not to mention the fact that those who do not pay much attention to the appetite, can have a hot mouth, so it has been smooth for two days.

As the sea deepens into the sea, the environment is getting worse and worse. During the day, like a fire, it is cold and biting at night. Although these scattered people are cultivators, they still complain.

Only a certain nine things are not there, still alive and kicking like a rabbit!

The remaining five chapters are updated at 7pm.

(End of this chapter)

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