Chapter 2917 Eight-faced white flag

At the beginning of the cloud, I spread my hand: "It can only be like this! Anyway, it will die sooner or later, what will you do in vain?!"

The goods said that they sat down on the ground and slammed into the hot sand. "Emma, ​​I am dying!"

Leng Kui and Feng Zhi are speechless!

When is this time, this goods is still here to play treasure? !

However, what she said is also somewhat reasonable. Anyway, it can't run. It's better to use static braking. Maybe it can beat a lifeline.

When the two were thinking about it, I saw that Yunchu had taken a large piece of white cloth from the storage ring, and then there was a white cloth made of eight flags inserted around the three people, just like a battle.

Leng Kui and Feng Zhi’s face are inexplicable. What crazy is this little girl? !

"After a while, the wolves are coming. Don't talk, give it to me."

Leng Kui and Feng Zhi have not had time to ask, the wolves have arrived near the three.

Dozens of pairs of blue eyes stared at the first few clouds, and the mouth was drooling. However, their eyes showed hesitation.

What is this array?

Normally, humans see that they will turn and run. Why are these three humans not running? Is this method powerful? Is this waiting for them to vote for the net?

Feng Zhi and Leng Kui have sweat in their hands, but when they think of what Yunchu said, the two just stared at the wolves and did not speak.

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaosha’s head toward the largest sand sea blood wolf waved a beckoning: “Puppy, come, come over!”

Feng Zhi’s foot was awkward and he almost sat on the ground. This little girl would not be able to distinguish between a wolf and a dog. Where is this dog? Besides, are you stupid? What do you let it come over? Have you eaten?

Cold Kui knows that the cloud has a bad stomach, but he didn’t understand what the medicine was in the gourd.

The two men are so aggressive that the Wolf King is more aggressive!

Recently, humans have often passed through its territory. They have never encountered such a situation. This little girl must be playing a bad idea. She must have set a trap. Once it goes, it will suffer!

It is not a silly wolf, it is not fooled!

So the Wolf King just screamed a few times, but did not move forward half a step.

The rest of the Shahai blood wolf did not dare to act rashly when they saw their heads. They naturally did not dare to move. For a time, the two sides were deadlocked.

Feng Zhi and Leng Kui think that the brain is not enough. Are these sand sea wolves fools? Xiao Shantou just said something with a smile, they did not dare to move? how can that be?

"Puppy, I didn't expect you to be quite smart! You are much smarter than the iron tongs we met before! But also, those scorpions are just bugs, and they are comparable to your wolves." Said.

The wolf king listened to the beginning of the cloud, saying that a sense of pride arises spontaneously. That is, it is a wolf king who has fought a battle. What are the broken scorpions? Even if the level of the broken scorpion is higher than them, they dare not provoke them.

This little girl’s trick, it’s clear, isn’t this a common trap for humans? Really thought it was a silly wolf? Humph! It’s a little jackal!

"Well, since you are not fooled, then I have nothing to say. Let's go, the three of us are also leaving here, we should never have encountered it." Yun Yunyi waved at random and indicated that they could gone.

(End of this chapter)

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