Chapter 2921, you will commit suicide.

Zhao Zijing was smashed by a roast chicken, and he said: "Hey! You are a strong word! These poisons will retreat because I commit suicide?!

If I really retreat because I committed suicide, will my Zhao people marry me again? ! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth: "This is not easy. Do you have to ask these little things? Come, I will ask you, if Zhao Mengzhuan commits suicide, are you retreating?"

The people were shocked to find that whether it was a sand sea poison bee or a red ant, after hearing the words of the cloud, they made a sound of sorrow and rustling, apparently echoing her words.

"Zhao Mengzhu, have you heard it? You have not always been self-confident in order to be the most selfless and self-denying? Now give you the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunity, you commit suicide!" Yunchu said with a sneer.

Compared with those who are really wicked, Zhao Zijing's hypocrites are even more abhorrent. They usually look like a gentleman. In fact, their minds are the most embarrassing, and they are even more insidious.

Where will Zhao Zijing be willing to commit suicide? !

His face turned red, and then he said: "The crowd, now things are very obvious! These poisons are this cold little nine, let us not expect her to save us, we still save ourselves!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he heard him say this, and he smiled crisply: "Zhao Meng’s brain is not so good? Don’t say that I am a six-layer waste of Ling Xuan, that is, the power of the mixed Yuanzong and Yu Yuanzong. Can't you raise so many spiritual pets?

In fact, this matter is very simple. Originally, everyone wants to go to the front line to participate in the war is a good thing, but some people, want to get the benefits inside, secretly do something anecdote, heaven can not see.

So I sent these little things to warn you that only Zhao Zijing, the chief culprit, committed suicide, and the crisis was naturally lifted. Believe it or not. ”

After the beginning of the cloud, take out a small Maza from the storage ring, and sit on it and continue to lick the seeds.

Zhao Zijing’s arrogant refutation of a few words is nothing more than saying that the beginning of the cloud is nonsense, and everyone should not believe it.

However, everyone is going to live now, where will listen to his defense, and some people say:

"Zhao Mengzhu, cold Xiaojiu said right, according to common sense, these poisons will not gather in one place. Now it is obviously very abnormal. Maybe it is a punishment of heaven. You have always been a man of heart, just let us commit suicide!"

"Yeah, Zhao Mengzhu, sacrifice one, save all of us, you will commit suicide!"

"Yes, we all agree, Zhao Mengzhu, you will die with peace of mind! We will definitely remember your great grace."


Zhao Zijing’s face was sullen, and he selectively forgot how he used the public opinion to force Feng Zhi and Yunchu to marry them.

He struggled to get rid of his vines. He already thought about it. As long as he can break free, he will hold on to the beginning of the cloud. At that time, these people will change their faces.

Unfortunately, those black vines favor him, even if he cut a few, still a steady stream of black vines wrapped around him, and countless red ants kept crawling on him.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out a psychic fruit and took two sips. Then he said, "I don't think I need to say more. You can see the true face of this Zhao Zijing?! Such people are a waste of food, or die. It's better."

With the voice of the beginning of the cloud, Zhao Zijing issued a scream, only to see his body covered with desert poison bees, killed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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