Chapter 2924 Cold Land

"Noisy! Besides, I haven't changed my name. They know it is me when they hear it. And what is your cold little nine, I guess you are!"

Leng Kui thinks that this little girl has a bad stomach, but it is really a name. It is not a fake name. She directly said his name. She made a cold little nine. This tells others directly, their What is the difference in identity? !

"This is not easy? I will change your name to you! You should not call cold Kui, change it to cold earth!" Named the waste and feel that this one is quite good, Kui is not a big earth. Well!

Cold and suffocating straight pumping!

Cold big earth?

I think that the pro-disciple of his class, the head of the Yuanzong, is called the name of the soil of the cold earth. Even if it is a pseudonym, it will not work! Not killing!

"Cold brother, I think this name is very good, so no one doubts your identity! Besides, Wanhao Gobi can't use the symbol, the news is blocked, so they don't know that we are coming, we don't think it is Ours.

Cold brother, you are disobeying this time. If you want to make a big earth-shattering event, then Xiahou’s head will punish you.

Moreover, you are the first person of the younger generation of Qian Yuanzong, you do not want to prove your strength? If you go to the coalition, there are so many old guys, can you show you? ......"

Under the shackles of the black heart, the cold reminder of the sad reminder promised the name of the cold soil.

It’s too late to wait until Cold Kui wants to repent, because Black Heart Nine has threatened all the people in the Sanshou Union to erase the name of Kui Kui from his head and completely replace it with cold soil!

Freshly baked cold big children's shoes had to break the cans and recognized the name. Anyway, the mask on the face, the coalition people can not recognize him.

Finally, this day, the Disarmament Alliance went out of the Western Sea and reached the Gobi Desert.

The entrance to the Wanbi Gobi is guarded by the coalition forces. When the flag is seen in the distance, the ranks of thousands of people are uniform, erected, and lined up. It is more disciplined than the secular army. Which force is this?

No, 弑元宗,混元宗, and the major families, the number has been sent to have been sent, and this time has sent thousands of people, the small door small faction does not have this strength!

At the forefront of the team is a woman with a silver mask, a red dress, like a flame in the wind. Cough, is the spiritual power is lower, the six layers of Ling Xuan?

Spiritual power is so low, she will not be the leader of this force?

When those disciples are a little confused, the team comes out with a fist and says: "We are the scattered alliance of the Xianyuan continent. This is our cold little nine ally. We are here to help the coalition forces. ""

It is only after the coalition’s watchful disciples have realized that these people are all scattered, and no wonder there will be so many people. However, isn’t the dispersal always free and sloppy? How can these people who are in the alliance be more disciplined than their coalition forces?

However, their age is very small, and their spiritual power is still so low. Are they noisy?

Although the disciples were awkward, they still politely bowed to the man who was talking and talking at the beginning of the cloud, and then said: "We will send people to pass, and please wait for the crowd."

(End of this chapter)

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