Chapter 2936, Huang Ningqi attack

Fan Mingchuan was also played by Fan Jiajia, a small means, transferred to Fan Jiquan's men, this time can be described as the spring breeze.

Fan Jiquan played a hot day with a female disciple of Yu Yuanzong. He was more interested in the beauty than the right, otherwise he would not be hooked up by Ye Xinyi.

Moreover, Fan Jiajia has been training Fan Mingchuan, so Fan Jiquan directly took the hands of the shopkeeper, and handed over the task of Huang Niyu to Fan Mingchuan.

Fan Mingchuan became the actual principal of the Huangniyu Pass. Naturally, he was smothered by some people. He suddenly vented the sacs that he had received in the early days of Yunyun, and felt that the whole person felt refreshed.

As for the deployment of the yellow mud, he felt that nothing was wrong.

Besides, the opposite side is the yellow mud swamp. The Yi people will use the yellow loach as a breakthrough unless they are in the water, so they can sit back and relax.

Upward effect, because Fan's father and son are not on the heart, the following coalition forces are even more unsatisfied, and when they are on duty, dozing off sometimes happens.

When Fan Mingchuan was working on the big account, a coalition army rushed in and crawled in: "Fan Shaoxia, not good! The Yi people have already passed the Yellow Mud Swamp, and this time they have begun to attack the pass!"

"What?!" Fan Mingchuan suddenly stood up: "This, how is this possible? How did they pass the yellow mud swamp?"

"The subordinates are also not clear. When they found out, they have already reached the foot of the mountain."

"Hurry and make people strengthen the defense, give me the rolling stone crossbar, be sure to hold it for me!"


After Fan Mingchuan's simple arrangement, he quickly went to see Fan Jiquan.

Fan Jiquan was drinking and drinking with the female disciple of Qi Yuanzong. I heard that the Yi people had attacked and looked at it. The wine that was scared suddenly woke up halfway and panicked and followed Fan Mingchuan to the top of the mountain.

"Ming Chuan, I will give you the defensive responsibility, you have such a big mistake, it is really disappointing to the father!" Fan Jiquan thought of the serious consequences of the fall of Huang Niyu, suddenly angered to Fan Mingchuan.

Fan Mingchuan was originally the owner of the Fan family. He was not a fan of Fan Jiquan. Now he was reprimanded by him. He immediately retorted: "Father, if you spend your time looking for fun, there is no thing tonight. ""

"You, you are awkward! You have accused you of being a father? It is really against it!" Fan Jiquan said with anger.

"Father, you still get rid of it! Or try to keep the yellow muddy, or your grandfather can't spare us." Fan Mingchuan really can't look down on his indulgent female color.

The coalition forces under their command were originally heart-wrenching. Now the Lord has guilty again and again, and everyone has lost the backbone.

Although the coalition forces will prepare the rolling stone to squat down, the threat to the Yi people is limited.

The Yi people let the beasts who are strong in the body open the way in front. The Yi people hide behind the beasts and climbed halfway up the mountain with little effort.

Fan Jiquan shouted and said: "What are you doing?! Give me a spiritual attack and call the Yi people back!"

Everyone heard the words, and quickly launched the Spiritual Beast and the Spiritual Attack, trying to stop the attack of the Yi people.

"Fan Daren, the number of Yi people is more than four times that of ours, we can't help it!"

"Yes, the Yi people obviously used our yellow mud as a breakthrough."

"Fan Daren, Fan Shaoxia, send someone to ask for help!"


Three points next wave.

(End of this chapter)

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