Chapter 2950, ​​this name is quite good.

An Linchuan: "..."

Shangguan: "..."

The little nine sisters are good at all. It seems that this aesthetic seems to be a bit of a problem. Can the name of the cold soil be such a good name?

After An Linchuan slowed down, he laughed with a tummy. "Leng Kui, the guy who used to lick five drinks and six drinks, didn't expect to call it cold, hahaha, really laughed at me!"

Although Shangguan, there is no exaggeration of An Linchuan, but it is also a smile of the front and back, they and Yu Yuanzong do not deal with, and cold Kui naturally does not deal with.

When I met before, I didn’t talk to each other coldly. I didn’t expect that the cold Kui was actually pitted by Xiaojiu’s sister!

When the two were laughing, the cold Kui came in from outside the big account.

An Linchuan said with a stomach and pointed to cold Kui: "Cold and earth, haha, cold earth! You have today, hahaha, it is really funny to me!"

Leng Kui came in and asked to ask about the first thing in the cloud, and when he heard An Linchuan, he suddenly knew that his identity was exposed, and he was annoyed and angry. He said: "An Linchuan, you shut me up!"

"Okay, okay, I shut up, cold and big landlord, haha, haha!" An Linchuan laughed and rolled on the ground.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that cold Kui’s hair was almost blasted, and the guilty touched the nose: “An brother, you are enough! This name is what I gave to the cold master, is it so funny?

I feel very good. Cold brother, don't be angry, there is a problem with the aesthetics of the brothers, how good is the name of the cold earth, really, I feel very good. ”

When cold Kui’s stomach suddenly had a venting object, he said with a bite of teeth: “The beginning of the cloud, you think the name of the cold earth is good. Why do you name yourself cold little nine but not cold little soil?”

Black heart nine coughed two times: "There are girls, how can you call such a soil name!"

Leng Kui: "..."

If you are a man, you should be called the name of the cold earth.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the cold and suffocating fire, and quickly shunned the hair: "Cold brother, anger, anger! The name is a small matter, this time we have made a great achievement, Xiahou head will know the news in the future. I will be proud of you.

At that time, who can not praise the cold Kui brothers? ! The name of cold big earth, it will be a good story in the future! ”

The black heart was smashed and finally ruined the cold anger.

An Linchuan also felt that there was a bit too much, and quickly shifted the topic: "Little nine sisters, what should we do next?"

"An Shaoxia, trouble you later call me the little nine lord, after all, my identity can not be exposed for the time being. Then the public is public, private is private, I have always been public and private." Blackheart nine pretend to say.

An Linchuan: "..."

Loading is forced to be thunder!

However, this product does not seem to be afraid of thunder!

"The ally believes that the defensive defensiveness does not solve the problem. It is best to take the initiative to eliminate the **** of the Yi people or to return to the extreme land.

It is a pity that although the presidency of the ally has improved a bit now, it is not enough. The old stubborn will not listen to the ally, so this matter can not be rushed, but also slowly accumulate prestige.

Now, the ally has only one wish, that is, the **** of the Yi people is best to find something to let the lords abuse them. In this way, the ally will be able to accumulate some prestige as soon as possible. ”

The black heart is a lord of the lord, and An Linchuan and others are pumping their eyes. This bad thing is perfectly interpreted. What is 嘚瑟! What is shameless!

(End of this chapter)

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