Chapter 2961 kill

Blackheart and nine white Yuan Xiyi looked: "Love does not believe, do not believe to pull down. I tell you the truth, I judge that the Yi people will attack the hurricane with all the troops this evening.

Therefore, I suggested to the 阎 主 主 咱 咱 咱 咱 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议 建议”

Yuan Xi’s heart sank, this cold Xiaojiu said is true? She really is not the clerk of the lord, she is lying to him?

Yuan Xi’s head screamed, if this cold Xiaojiu said it was true, then he was guilty of a big sin!

"You, you, you go out! Hurry and take your people away from Fang Dooshan, Yuanmou has nothing happened." Yuan Xi said with a gnashing.

"I heard that there is no sentence? Please God is easy to send God, we all come in, want us to go out?, no way! Besides, you have made a mistake now, only to make a redemption. What's more, the young lady of the mixed yuan ......"

"You shut up! What do you want to do?" Yuan Xi hated the little girl in front of him.

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked. "I was thinking about **** the **** of the Yi people. This is a golden opportunity. If you miss it, it is a pity! And, once the Yi people really attacked At the breeze, the line of defense of the Terran will be completely defeated."

After a psychological struggle, Yuan Xi had to accept his life!

He frowned and asked: "You only have more than 3,000 people in the league. We have only 1,200 people in Fangdoushan. The strength of our team is estimated to be only one-fifth of the Yi people. What can we do?

Otherwise, I will send people to pay attention to the situation at the edge of the hurricane. Once the Yi people launch an attack, we will help the hurricane to resist the Yi people. It is estimated that we should wait until the arrival of the reinforcements. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, Shakes his head and shook his head: "You are talking about the next policy. Moreover, Fangdoushan is too close to the hurricane. If the Yi people can't attack the hurricane, it is likely to be transferred to Fangdoushan. When we take care of this, the situation will be even worse."

Cold Kui couldn’t help it: "This doesn't work either, it doesn't work, what do you want?"

In the beginning of the cloud, there was a chill in the eyes: "kill!"

Everyone looks at each other, this is a headless saying "kill", what do you mean?

Yun Chuan slammed his thoughts, and everyone was shocked and stunned. Can this work?

Everyone persuaded a lot, but unfortunately Black Heart Nine has made up his mind, and everyone has nodded and promised.

After the sky was completely dark, Black Heart Nine took An Linchuan and Shangguan and several dozen masters of the alliance to descend the rope to the side of Fangdoushan near the Yi.

An Linchuan's little heart thumped and jumped. He felt that he was already courageous enough. He didn't expect this little nine-sister to be bold and even think of such an adventurous idea.

"Small nine, the lord, you, how many grasps do you have?" An Linchuan almost said that he missed his mouth and had to change to a small nine-owner.


An Linchuan: "..." You are strong!

However, when I heard the beginning of the cloud, An Linchuan and Shangguan’s heart were quite stable.

All the people touched the Yi people's residence opposite Fangdoushan. Yunchu squatted at the back and gestured. The people met, and some of them circled the other side of the station and deliberately made a noise.

Soon the garrison of the Yi people screamed: "Who?"

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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