Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2979: Land of ancestral ancestors

Chapter 2979

Where did the cloud know what the **** ancestors were, but she couldn't ask directly, so she nodded.

Qingling went on to say: "You don't think it would be a good thing to follow the county owner to the land of the ancestors. I remind you, don't be confused.

His Royal Highness the Prince is the object of love for all the women of the Yi people. Some of the enemy of our county also often go to the land of the ancestors.

You think about it, our county owners are so hot temper, often conflict with those people, and in the end, the unlucky ones always follow the maids of the county.

However, in general, the county owners are all with first-class and second-class maids. You should not be able to take it, you can relax! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, she nodded. It turned out to be the case. Fortunately, she was clever. She did not deliberately please the county magistrate on the road. Otherwise, she might have made her a first-class maid. She really had a foresight!

This goods will soon be hit!

The next morning, Ziye came to find her.

"Small nine sister, it is reasonable to say that you have just arrived, you should not accompany the county owner to the land of the ancestors, but the county owner likes you very much, name you to go, so let me go!" Concealed very well, but still revealed a bit of gloating.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that it was almost unfortunate recently. I was afraid of what was coming. She was already guilty. Now she has to go to the place where the ancestral lord goes to the place where her ancestors swayed. It is almost a fate!

But can't help but go, the prince of the county is arrogant, and once he doesn't, he may kill her.

Therefore, the unfortunate nines followed the 翩翩 主 lord out of the Ankang Wangfu, and went straight to the land of the ancestors.

The land of the ancestors was near the capital, but the owner of the county was not self-sustaining. Instead, he walked on a beautiful carriage pulled by a beast.

Unlucky nine is not bad, but also enjoyed a hand, ah, sitting on the car along the top.

This eyeball dribbles and turns, when she entered the city, she did not have the opportunity to look at it. Now it is very prosperous to see the Yi people's capital city, people coming and going in the streets.

It is understandable that the people who come and go are not too spiritual. It is understandable that after all, the high spirits are going to the front line. The black heart squinted and blinked. Her current identity is basically white, but she can't release her suffocation. She doesn't know that the Yi people's suffocation is cultivated, or it is born, and can only see the move.

By the way, there is also the problem of Yi Rongdan. A Yirong Dan has only ten days of effect. There is only one left in her hand. If I can find the medicine for refining Yi Rongdan, it would be fine.

The carriage soon arrived at the so-called land of the ancestral ancestors. This was a place circled by tall walls. There was no way to see the inside when standing outside.

Black Heart is guilty of guilt, what is the place where the ancestral land is?

However, the attention of Black Heart Nine was attracted by the plaque of the land of the ancestral ancestors. She found that the material used in the plaque of the ancestors was the same as the material of the large coffin she found in the mixed Yuanzong. The tree is made of wood.

Even if this plaque is a long time ago, it can still faintly smell the unique aroma of "橼".

"Kill Xiaojiu, what are you doing? Don't you go in with the county master?" The county magistrate said extremely unpleasantly.

At the beginning of the cloud, I slowed down the gods and quickly took two steps to chase the county magistrate.

"Wait a minute! Routine inspection!" said two guards who looked like a public official.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt awkward and routinely checked? what to check for?

Tenth. Continue at noon tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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