Chapter 2986 The Nightmare of the Nightmare Beast

"Little fairy, in fact, as long as you destroy the statue on the outer round table, I will be able to break out of the temple. But I am a remnant, you have to help me find something that can hide." Said.

"Will the Wannian jade porcelain bottle?" Yunchu is now familiar with the collection of the soul.

"That's not necessary, I was originally derived from the greed of human desires. When I get outside, I won't be able to fly away. Moreover, Tianlei will not kill me, so in general, Tianlei does not swear at me.

You can help me find the body of a monster. I have been trapped for tens of thousands of years, and I can enjoy it with a body. ”

The nightmare beast swallowed, and I haven't eaten for a long time. The fruit eaten by the little heart of the black heart looks good.

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin. If the dream beast can attract the thunder, then it would be better, so I can’t find a strong body for it. It’s better to be weak. It’s very easy. The kind of death, anyway, it can't die, and then it is time to change the body.

So, a certain nine out of a virtual reality inside a wind blade rabbit: "Hey, I only have such a living monster here, you can make use of it first, I have time to help you change a powerful monster."

The poor dream beast knows the plan of the black heart nine, although it is very disgusting, but feels that at least the legs have mouths, do not hinder eating, but also make do.

Therefore, the sad reminder of the nightmare of the beast has opened countless times to change the shell of the sad reminder days.

At the beginning of the cloud, the half-soul of the dream beast entered the body of the wind-blade rabbit, and it succeeded almost instantly. However, the wind-blade rabbit is the lowest-level monster, and its gods and dreams are incomparable.

"Ha ha ha! I can finally go out and have fun! Little fairy, you rush to destroy the statue, then I can go out!" The freshly baked dream beast is called a joy!

The beginning of the cloud wrinkled and frowned: "Curling, not right, you said that you provide suffocation to the Yi people. Is it difficult for them to cultivate their own suffocation? They are all to absorb you? And how can you release a half soul? Helium? And is it still releasing helium continuously?"

The eyes of the dream beast flashed a bit, and the perfunctory said: "They themselves can also cultivate the suffocating sufficiency, but the speed is slow, so it is cheap to come here."

At the beginning of the cloud, I snorted coldly: "You don't play tricks with me. You give me a second question. How can you have so much suffocation to release? Don't say that you are a half soul now, that is your body. Can't you continue to release your suffocation? Let's say that your talent instinct is a weaving dream, and it is not releasing suffocation."

The dream beast is so cold and cool, it knows that this black heart and liver stinking head is not easy to flick, I thought she had neglected this point, but I still found it.

"Little fairy, okay, since you found out, I will tell you the truth, but some of them I can't say. After that, I will be punished by Heaven. It is not just that of Tianlei." Said the brain.

"Hey, you can say, if you dare to lie to me, I will make you a curly rabbit!" Black heart nine heart move, it is also good to give this rabbit a hot head, which is more in line with the name of the curl.

Where does the dream beast know the idea of ​​the black heart and nine hearts, honestly said: "The ancestor of the Yi people is not the **** in front of them. They were not originally living in the Yuanyuan continent. It was only when the gods fought, the Yi people trusted. The Mozu, so the whole family was fooled into the mainland."

(End of this chapter)

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