Chapter 2990 Watching the Nightmare Beast

The black heart is in the heart of the heart, and the gang of the gang is old and conservative. Actually, there is no such thing as the chaos of the Yi people. It is really unknowing to say that they are the so-called gentleman's wind or timid!

She can guess the minds of the ally and other people. Anyway, the Yi people have already returned to their sphere of influence, as long as they do not let the Yi people re-invade.

However, Black Heart is now more concerned about the fact that the border war is frequent. How can she leave the sphere of influence of the Yi people?

Black Heart Nine has no way to leave, so I have to find a hotel to live down. This product is simple and simple, and the mouth is sweet, but it does not cause any trouble.

After these days of contact, Yunchu discovered that the Yi people are not much different from the Terran, and the way of life is basically the same as that of people.

What kind of wall grass, and so on, is decided by the above people, and the following Yi people are obeying their actions.

Therefore, Yun’s original dislike of the Yi people has calmed down a lot.

As for the nightmare beast, in addition to eating all day long, it is to read the words of the collection of Yunchu, and it is said to be a relish, nothing to discuss with the black heart nine story.

"Little fairy, you are a woman who married a few husbands. Do you have a man who has a lot of women's words? It's better to describe the vivid ones. If there are illustrations, it's even better!" The original eyes of the dream beast are red, and now the night is even more red.

At the beginning of the cloud, the goods were picked up in the corner: "Go and go! You are a pristine curl!"

The dream beast is wrong, how is it not pure? Just let her see what she likes, and it can't see what it likes? Anyway, it has no daughter-in-law yet. What happened to study first? Bad silver!

Black Heart Nine is also an anger, she is anxious, want to go back to the mixed Yuanzong early, because this goods is afraid that after the emperor Beibei came out of the secret, she learned that she came out to blend with the Yi people to clean up her.

On this day, Black Hearts took out the map of the Yi people. It seems that there is a discovery.

In addition to the war zone, there is a small area where the goods can be left. It is hard to wonder why there is no one to guard it.

She asked a side-clicking question, only then did she know that there was a famous poisonous scorpion area, and there was no way for the Terran and the Yi people to pass.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the Terran or the Yi, no one is playing the idea there.

Black heart is a happy heart, others are afraid of poison, she is not afraid! Just leave from there, and then you can leave the sphere of influence of the Yi people in a circle.

The eyes of the nightmare animal flashed a bit: "Little fairy, you still don't take risks! The poisonous area has existed before, no one can pass, you go to find death."

"Curling, you don't know, I am not afraid of poison, the more poison the better." Yunchu was too happy, did not notice the twinkling eyes of the dreamy beast.

The dream beast has found various reasons, what is stinking, what has not been eaten, what is going around, and it has not been able to stop the determination of the cloud to leave from the drug lords.

"Curl, you are so strong that I am prevented from passing through the drug lord area, there will be nothing to glare at me?" Yunchu finally noticed the wrongness of the nightmare beast.

The dreamy beast’s head is like a rattle: “I’m just worried about your safety. I’m your beast now. You have to be three long and two short, and I can’t live.”

Continue at 7pm. The system still hasn't returned to normal. Let's take a look at it first. It should be able to recover in a few days. Bamboo is now calm, or the code word is tight, or else it is too much to be sent to the blade, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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