Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2994: The journey to the dark continent began

Chapter 2994, The Tour of the Dark Continental Begins

After the clouds first followed the people out of the valley, they first arrived in a town.

It turned out that these people sold some of the beasts they had hunted to the store and changed some meteorites. Then I used the ochre to buy some rice and some daily necessities that look like Lingmi.

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered a question. The Yi people in Xianyuan mainland also had meteorites in their hands. Where did their meteorites come from?

The nightmare beast licked his mouth: "Isn't that simple? They brought it when they left the dark continent!"

At the beginning of the cloud, it also makes sense. When those people left, they naturally took away the valuable things. The meteorite was the first to bear the brunt. Presumably, the meteorites that had been discovered at that time were swept away.

The beginning of the cloud also found a problem, that is, the Yi people seen on the street are more men and women, and the men are almost twice as many as women. Even if the appearance is not so good, the Yi women are also diligent by several men. Please.

It’s no wonder that these people have accepted her so much, is it going to marry her? After all, it seems that women are scarce.

In the early days of the cloud, I weighed a bit, and decided to follow these people. After all, she is not only unfamiliar with her life, but also has no language.

These people are not too spiritual, and if they break their minds, she can clean them up.

As a result, the beginning of the cloud continued to follow the people who went out of town, and turned to a village.

Some old people and small children came out quickly in the village. Occasionally, I could see a few women, but they were just like everyone, and they were very proud.

As she walked for a long time, she had some sweat on her face. She took out her face and wiped her face. After the women saw the appearance of the cloud, they obviously showed hostility. The tone of the old man who came back with the cloud.

After the old man said a few words, the women showed the expression of gloating, and then left the waist and twisted.

Although Yun Chuan did not understand the old man's words, it is estimated that the old man said that she could not speak and could not hear, so those women had a sense of superiority, and this left.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was discovered that the appearance of the Yi people here is far worse than those of the Xianyuan mainland, so those women will show hostility towards her.

After the few women left, some young men pointed at the clouds and looked at them. They seemed to be commenting on the matter and finally hit them.

Black Heart is standing on the sidelines, is this a decision on her ownership? Grandma's, then see who is unlucky to win!

The last big man with a tiger-backed waist won the final victory. He walked to the front of the cloud with a big mouth, and he said something, then reached out to pull the hand of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he waved his hand and made a shy look.

Dahan laughed and said a few words, then gestured to the beginning of the cloud to follow him.

In the beginning of the cloud, there is a shimmer in the eyes, and the stimulating journey of the dark continent begins with this stupidity!

Yunchu started to follow the big man to a courtyard in the west of the village. Obviously, there was only one person in the big Han family. Dahan directly brought the black heart into the back room.

Dahan was full of brains, and finally finally found a wife, although it was sly and dumb, but long and beautiful!

When Dahan was planning to enjoy the beauty of beauty, I saw that the beauty hooked the corner of the mouth, and then there was no more...

(End of this chapter)

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