Chapter 3003 shameless flower

Black Heart Nine is also very puzzled, is this neurological sanctuary not a dead house? How can I agree to go to dinner?

However, if he goes to the feast, she can take the opportunity to search for his study bedroom, and maybe find some clues.

So, Black Heart nine hands on the back to the guards and said: "You go in and clean the house, if the cleaning is not clean, be careful to kill you."

Guardian No. 1: This red and green is sick? Actually command them?

Guardian No. 2: Is this a flower in the water? Why does she call a palace woman?

Guardian No. 3: Is this a flower that is difficult for me to think that she has taken a shower to be a holy person?


At the beginning of the cloud, the guards did not move, and the voice of the sullen voice said: "If you don't listen to me, I will say that you just wanted to enter the house and peek at me to take a shower!"

Guards: "..."

you win!

You are shameless!

Never seen such a shameless person! It turned out to be a little girl! I really saw a ghost!

The guards had to take a sigh of relief and clean the house.

Black Heart Nine found that the room before the shower seemed to be the living room, so the goods sat on the chair and took out the words and looked at it.

The goods have already been opened, and the worst result is to offend the sage. Anyway, this is the case. Why are you treating yourself? !

Besides, as the saying goes, there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests, the **** sacred suddenly came to this dark continent, must have a picture, and there is no progress in all.

If he had to embarrass her, she would use this as a negotiating point to deal with him.

As for whether the Holy Spirit will negotiate with her, the goods are not considered at all, and the big deal is to do it! She has a big kitchen knife in her hand, she is afraid of a wool thread? !

The dream beast wants to die first, how does it spread such an ancestor? ! Don't say that the big kitchen knife hasn't been restored to the penalty **** axe. Even if you really smashed the apocalypse, can you hack the person?

The dream beast looked at the rest of the stupid stuff in the spirit beast bag, and all of them were leisurely and comfortable, without any worry.

"Hey! A group of whites are full! The little girl with black heart and liver is dead, and you can't live!" said the dream beast.

The little black bird glanced at it: "Hey, you want to be the boss here? Everything has a first come, then you come later, what is your cow?! Xiaoye, I warn you, you are in the small king. Behind, you are a little seven! Go and go!"

The two eyes of the nightmare are red, okay, it was red, and the evil black rushed toward the little black bird...

After a while, the dream beast is loved by the group!


Black heart and liver skunk head, Laozi wants to change the body! I don't want to be a rabbit!

Black Heart Nine did not take care of these two shortcomings. After reading it for a while, I felt a little sleepy. I took out a lounge chair and fell asleep on the top.

The sky soon darkened, and the general manager went to the outside of the temple one hour earlier, waiting for the battle, fearing that the Holy One would not worry.

However, looking at the passage of time, there is no movement in the temple. The head of the 蓟 这 这 这 这 这 这 心 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这

If the Holy Lord really does not go to the banquet, will the Holy One think that he is lying?

The head of the 蓟 七 七 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七

(End of this chapter)

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