Chapter 3105 Uncle Goodbye

When Emperor Beibei saw the small head that was found inside the quilt, he was awkward for a while. Did he go to the wrong house?

Black heart nine heads screamed, how did the little white face come? Ah, it’s terrible! No, I can’t let him know that she is getting smaller, or else she doesn’t necessarily laugh at her.

Black heart nine long eyelashes trembled, said awkwardly: "Uncle, are you looking for Xiaojiu's sister? She went to the Tuta retreat, has been going for many days, it is said to be closed for half a year!"

Emperor Beibei: "..."

uncle? sister? He is a long time out of thin air? Does he look so much more than Xiao Jiu Lao?

"Where is the earth tower?"

"The earth tower is behind the mountain, but the inside is not able to use the sound." Black heart is proud of the heart, in this case, Xiaobai face has no way to confirm whether she is in the earth tower, she is so smart!

Emperor Beibei frowned. "Why are you living here?"

"Uncle, I am an orphan, Xiaojiu sister has been taking care of me, so I came to help Xiaojiu sister to look after the yard." Blackheart nine down his head, a sad look of a small, people look at the moment and feel pity.

Emperor Bei’s uncomfortable touch of his nose felt that it was not appropriate to ask a little girl, so he said, “If you do, you go to sleep, I am gone.”

"Uncle walks slowly, my uncle sees you again." Black heart and nine hearts opened the flowers, this cargo is fortunate, fortunately, at night, her hair is scattered, covering a part of the face, or else it may actually reveal the stuffing.

Emperor Beibei turned out of the house and gently closed the door. He frowned. How do you think that little girl and Xiaojiu are like? Although she could not see her appearance, her sly eyes and the tone of her speech were very similar to Xiao Jiu.

Emperor Beibei shook his head, he must have thought more, and it is estimated that the little girl and Xiaojiu have more time, so the look is a bit like.

When Emperor Beibei was about to go to Tufeng, he saw the large and small ground in the yard frowned by the deep pit left by the Thunder.

Since Xiaojiu had gone to the Tuta retreat early, why did the yard have traces of thunder?

Emperor Beibei looked at several deep pits. It was obvious that he had just passed away. He was suspicious and pushed the door into the house again.

The black heart is happy to be full of bed rolling, where to think of the emperor to go back and return, this cargo shocked, directly from the bed to the ground.

The black heart slammed and slammed, and the goods all wrestled!

The emperor’s ancestors were first stunned, and then the squatting corners of the squats, this little girl is really stupid!

The black heart smashed the little ass, and quickly climbed up and got into the quilt. The voice was a little dissatisfied and said: "Uncle, you will scare people! How come you come back? I am not telling you Xiaojiu sister. Is it closed?"

"Since Xiaojiu is closed, what is going on in the deep pit outside?" Although Emperor Beibei felt that it was unreasonable to interrogate a little girl, this matter is really embarrassing and must be asked.

Black hearts and nine eyes and squatting eyes: "Those deep pits are thunderous, and I don't know what kind of wind I have smoked. It has been smashed for a long time during the day! Not only has this yard been smashed, but many places have been smashed. If you don't believe, you can Go and see."

The emperor’s glimpse of the little girl is very calm. It doesn’t look like a lie, thinking, maybe just a coincidence? Are these mines not specifically for Xiao Jiu?

Although Emperor Beibei still feels that something is wrong, but he is dreaming and will not think that his little wife will become a cute little girl.

Therefore, the emperor wrinkled his frown and once again left the house.

(End of this chapter)

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