Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3115: Turned to an inner disciple

Chapter 3115 turns into an inner disciple

The rabbit is really not the original intention of the cloud.

This cargo allowed the wool ball to put these "improved" rabbits into a virtual reality. I didn't expect the wool ball to be collected several times, and how many of them could not be accepted.

Black Heart Nine is guilty, killing it, and some of them are unbearable, and the dream beast is pleading with one side of the enthusiasm. At the beginning of the cloud, they have to bring these strange-shaped rabbits out and prepare to release them to the back mountain of Jinfeng.

Lian Fengzhu, who rushed over, saw a bunch of messy rabbits behind the black heart nine, and his eyes were straight!

God, what are these things?

Some hair is hanging, some are more than six feet long, some have two rabbit heads, and five legs?

These are wind blade rabbits?

The black heart nine eyes whispered: "Lian Fengzhu, these are all ran out of the earth tower, I did not have the heart to kill, so I brought it out."

A glimpse of the earth tower!

What does this have to do with it? Obviously you are doing it!

Lian Fengzhu believes that the truth, such a strange shape of the wind blade rabbit is estimated to be inside the earth tower, the Xianyuan mainland is absolutely not.

"Lianfeng Lord, I want to turn into a disciple, what procedures do I need?" Blackheart asked with a narrow eye.

Lian Fengzhuyi said: "It is not complicated to turn into an internal disciple. There are only two ways for the servant to become an inner disciple. One is that the sect after three months is the top 30, and One is that your spiritual level reaches the level of the spirit."

Lian Fengzhu did not continue to say, because he felt that no matter which one, this bad thing can not be done, not to mention she has now become a small doll.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. After he left, he rode the giant rabbit and ran away.

Lian Fengzhu looked at the bunch of rabbits and rubbed his eyes. How do you always feel that he is in a dream?

Black Heart Nine came to the House of the Senate with a string of rabbits. After finding the head of Xiahou, the goods opened the door and said: "Hey, I want to turn into an inner disciple."

The goods originally wanted to say to Xiahou that she is now a spirit level. I didn’t expect to wait for her to say that Xiahou’s head said: “Yes, you made a great contribution in the battle of the Yi people. The martial art has never been. Reward you and turn you into a disciple, just give it a reward!"

Blackhearted on September 1st, suddenly swallowed her already a layer of spirit, not exposed, just continue to play pigs and eat tigers.

After the black heart nine thanked Xiahou’s head, he rode a giant rabbit to the dormitory.

Outside the House of Deputies, there have been a lot of disciples who watched the excitement, pointing at the grotesque rabbits of the Black Heart Nine.

"Emma, ​​are those rabbits? I haven't seen such a weird rabbit."

"What's so strange?! The last time the cloud came out of the earth tower and turned into a little doll, these wind blade rabbits are estimated to be the same as her."

"What you said makes sense. If you look at it, the cloud is still very lucky. Otherwise, if she turns into two heads and five legs, she can't see anyone!"


Blackheart nine sat on the giant rabbit, listening to the arguments of these people, do not want to be angry, directly with a string of rabbits rushed to the crowd.

The disciples quickly dispersed, and there was a eagle hook in the nose and a few minutes of flashing in the eyes. It was a palm to the two-headed rabbit.

He thinks that although these rabbits are odd-shaped, they are only the first-order wind-blade rabbits. He can kill them with his little fingers, let alone this one.

(End of this chapter)

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