Chapter 3118 The Nightmare Beast

The beginning of the cloud does not matter to this, but it is a little unhappy about the nightmare of the beast.

The reason is very simple. The female servant has moved away, and it can't peek at people's baths.

At the beginning of the cloud, she was too lazy to manage this color and embryo. These days, she often ran to the library building and wanted to find some records about the Buddha.

At the beginning of the cloud, I often go to the library building in the morning and will not return to the dormitory until the evening.

At noon that day, Yunchu received a message from Leng Kui, saying that there was something to find her, so she had to leave the library in advance.

"Small nine sisters, my master told you to go to the temple." Leng Kui said with a tangled face.

The beginning of the cloud was not too serious, riding a giant rabbit followed by cold Kui to the House of the Senate.

Walking halfway, Leng Kui coughed and bit his teeth, then said: "Small nine sister, you, do you know what Master is doing for you?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I said, "Where do I know, you know?"

Cold Kui’s face flashed a little uncomfortable: "I, I don't know, you ask Master yourself!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he blinked his eyes: "Leng Kui brother, how is your face so red? The head of the adult does not want me to marry you?"


Cold Kui sat down on the floor!

"Little nine sister, don't scare me, I can't marry you!" Cold Kui is obviously scared.

Black Heart Nine: "..."

What's wrong with her, is this being dismissed? Although she has now become a little girl, she is not going to change back. Is it so disgusting to her?

Cold Kui sees the cloud and his face is covered with a layer of frost, and quickly shifts the topic: "Small nine sisters, forget it, I will tell you! Recently, many female disciples have complained that there are several color rabbits peeping at them to take a shower, and They also stole their coats, pockets and the like.

The rabbits they describe are your grotesque rabbits. Except for the giant rabbit you are riding now, the rest are suspects.

Moreover, it is said that the most mad is an ordinary wind blade rabbit, but it is protected by several other strange rabbits, and the female disciples are helpless. ”

Black Heart Nine did not fall from the back of the giant rabbit. She used her toes to think that it was all made by the nightmare!

Those rabbits listen to it, naturally it is instructed by it!

If it wasn't for it, those rabbits couldn't have done such a thing, let alone an **** rabbit.

At the beginning of the cloud, the teeth of the suffocating teeth, no wonder the recent dreams of the beasts are very stop, even the words are not seen, it is to find a new life of fun, this color, embryo! This stream, 氓, rabbit!

Although Yunchu has the heart to clean up the dream beast, but the dream beast and the rabbits are in the courtyard of the cloud, she can only go to the temple.

Cold Kui sees the beginning of the cloud and does not say anything. It is true that this matter is true. Some worried people said: "Small nine sisters, those female disciples are mad, you have caused public anger this time, you want Be mentally prepared."

Black heart is like a dog in the heart, she will be angry if she is a party, **** curls! This time absolutely can't spare it!

Soon, the two went to the House of Parliament.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that there were more than a hundred female disciples standing on the temple. The eyes were pumping, and the curls were not picky. The female disciples here are really chilling. Does it even have an appetite?

The female disciples saw the beginning of the cloud, and they glared at each other, but they were stunned by the fierceness of the beginning of the cloud. No one dared to speak out, or else it was estimated that the cloud would start with a dog blood sprinkler!

(End of this chapter)

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