Chapter 3126 Conspiracy

Those who were onlookers were not too big, and suddenly they started to squat, and Liu Shun followed Liu Shun to the law enforcement office.

The clock management has been very leisurely recently, but since I heard that the cloud has come back, the right eye has been jumping all the time. I didn’t sleep well last night. He always felt that the bad thing was back. He could not It has stopped.

As soon as he saw Liu Shun, who had a swollen nose and a swollen face, he once again heard the name of Yunchu, and suddenly felt his head stunned.


That bad thing package really makes trouble!

However, even if the crime is implemented, there is no way to punish her!

Mortgage materials? The little girl was so rich that she couldn’t see the sects.

Thinking about the hole? Emma, ​​don't make a fuss, think about the hole but the foundation of the ancestors. If it is destroyed in her hands, it will be bad!

Meditation hole? Well, it has collapsed!

When the clock management took Yun Yun’s first trick, he angered Liu Shun’s body. He said, this stupidity, nothing to provoke the comet to do? She wants to go in and go in? What must I do to stop her? !

Wait, he said that Yunchu is not qualified to go to the second floor of the library building?

Zhongguan looked at Liu Shun’s eyes with an idiot’s eyes: “Yunyun is an inner disciple. Why don’t you let her go to the second floor of the library?”

Liu Shun’s face is sluggish: “She, isn’t she a big kitchen clerk?”

"Yesterday, the head has already issued a literary genre. In view of the great contribution made by Yunchu in the battle of the Yi people, it has turned into an inner disciple, but it has not yet been released.

However, the information on her identity jade has changed. Don't you see it? There is a hint of ridicule in the tone of the bell.

Liu Shun is dumbfounded. He didn't look at the identity information of Yunchu at first. When he thought that Yunchu was really turned into a disciple, wouldn't he be beaten?

The crowd of people on the scene suddenly fried the pot! The cloud was suddenly turned into a disciple.

Everyone reacted differently. Some thought that Yunchu’s contribution to the battle of the Yi people was taken for granted.

Some people think that who knows what the battle of the Yi people is all about! Maybe it’s a rumor! Besides, one yard of the code, what is the privilege of Yunchu?

When Liu Shunqi left the law enforcement office and returned to his yard, he found a person standing in the yard.

Liu Shungang wants to open his mouth and talk. The man said coldly: "Do you want to take revenge? If you want to, follow what I said. You can rest assured that after the event, you will not treat you badly."

Liu Shun bit the bite of the remaining teeth and nodded. "I certainly want to take revenge. I hate to break the stinky head, the body, the million, the paragraph! What do you want me to do?"

The man whispered a few words, Liu Shun hesitated, then nodded and agreed.

For a few days, Yunchu was early to the library to read books, until the evening will leave.

In the middle, I also encountered Liu Shun on duty several times. At the beginning of the cloud, there was no more trouble for him. Liu Shun did not have anything like this. As usual, he went to Yunchu to go through the formalities of entering the second floor of the library building.

On this day, when the cloud first arrived at the library building, it was still Liu Shun’s duty.

After Liu Shun took over the identity of the jade card of Yunchu, he handed it to the cloud for a jade card.

After the cloud took over the jade card, he entered the entrance of the library.

Liu Shun’s eyes showed a hint of gloom, and the clouds were first, this time, you are dead! This is what you are looking for!

(End of this chapter)

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