Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3134: Play it yourself (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 3134, play with yourself (seeking a monthly pass)

Ben ancestors?

Everyone has some toothache for this title, but this article is still right, she is really their ancestors!

The heads of Baili and the heads of Xiahou now have no thoughts about this ancestor’s ancestors, and immediately return to the sect with their own people.

The squadron thought about it and let the people of the Tiancheng Alliance station outside the mixed Yuanzong. He followed the head of Baili into the mixed Yuanzong.

The reason why the lord of the squad chose the mixed yuan sect, the reason is very simple, because the ancestor said to him when he left: "Small scorpion, you go with me to mix the Yuanzong, when I investigate the matter, you also witness ""

When the Lord of the League recalled the first time when he saw the beginning of the cloud, the little girl was very well-behaved at that time. I didn’t expect it to become a ancestor of the ancestors. It was simply a make-up!

After the arrival of the mixed yuan Zongshanmen, the cloud did not put the stone scorpion down, this goods are fine!

She is afraid that someone will not be bothered to find her trouble, with these two stone beasts, at least multiple guarantees! Anyway, there is another one at the door, just when they are rotated!

Because the black heart is divided into nine generations, so the goods first riding the giant rabbit into the martial art, everyone tangled behind her.

Everyone just entered the mountain gate, and Zhuo Fengzhu and An Fengzhu and others greeted them.

An Fengzhu saw the beginning of the cloud on the giant rabbit, and immediately shouted: "The beginning of the cloud! Why are you a small inner disciple walking in front of the head and the leader of the alliance? Also, the disciples watched, you turn After walking a stone, don't you hand it over?"

An Fengzhu has always been prejudiced against Yunchu, and it is because of her that An Linchuan has always been with him. Although I improved a little later, I still have a few points in my heart.

At the beginning of the cloud, sitting on the giant rabbit, he glanced at An Fengzhu: "Xiao Anzi, how do you talk to the ancestors? The 19th-generation Xuan, Sun An Linchuan, come over, how do we punish the sect of the Yuanzong sect? what?"

An Linchuan’s heart is collapsing: Xiaojiu Shimei, no, Xiaojiu Zuzong, I know that you are venting for me, but can you not do this? That is my relatives!

Baili’s head is afraid of what the moths will make in the beginning of the cloud, and quickly said on the side: “An Fengzhu, Zhuofengzhu, Xiaojiu, ah, Yunxiaozu is the close disciple of Yuantian’s ancestors and Hongyuan’s ancestors. So it should be ahead of us."

An Fengzhu: "..."

Zhuo Fengzhu: "..."

People behind them: "..."

This world is wonderful! In just half a day, this bad thing package has been turned into a cloud ancestor by a thief who steals a stone.

"Head, this, how is this possible? Is it cheated again by her?" An Feng said with a stern look.

"She has two ancestors' hand rings in her hand, and it is confirmed by the town's stone beasts. It is true." Baili said.

Baili’s heart said that he is also very helpless? Is he also very aggressive? Who wants to suddenly have such a small ancestor? And is it the kind of ancestor who provoked trouble for three days? !

"Forget it! There are a lot of great ancestors, and you don't care about these juniors. Whatever, the ancestors rushed for a long time, tired and terrible, and the ancestors first went back to the temple to rest, you should play by yourself! Tomorrow morning, the ancestors gave it again. You are instructed."

After the black heart was finished, riding a giant rabbit and running a cigarette did not appear.

The messy people in the wind: "..."

Sleeping hall? Do you have a broken yard and a temple?

Do they play by themselves? Training? This sorrow is about to shoulder shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

Sixth more. The two chapters owed today will be filled tomorrow. In addition, the score was 9.3, and the bamboo promised to add two more chapters, merged into the owe, and now owes nine chapters. Recently, my health is not good. The doctor pays attention to rest. I will have the opportunity to make up later and I will not forget it. Finally, ask for a monthly pass, what?

(End of this chapter)

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