Chapter 3138, dig yourself into yourself

At the beginning of the cloud, he pretended to be curious and asked: "Hey, who is your sister? Is it a grandmother of Xiaohua?"

Li Niang just slowed down and said, "Nothing, you are a little flower? Don't call me, call me, call me..."

Li Niang is very embarrassed, is it not to let her call her?

"Don't you want me to call your sister? It's okay to be so young and beautiful, and it's okay to call my sister." Blackheart squinted at the small head and said with a big flash.

No woman doesn't like to be praised for being young and beautiful. Li Niang is confused by the beginning of the cloud: "That's what it is, little girl, what is your mother's name and your name? When is your mother back? To the ink house?"

Li Niang finished, I feel that some questions are not appropriate. This little girl is only three or four years old. How can she know how her mother returned to Mofu?

Unexpectedly, the little girl said crisply: "My mother kissed Yunchu, and I called the emperor, my mother was picked up by the Mohist.

I heard my mother said that my grandmother called Ye Hao, you said that my sister must be my grandmother? My mother has never believed that my grandmother is dead. It seems that my grandmother is still alive, it is so good! ”

Li Niang was stunned by the words of the beginning of the cloud. Is this a child of three or four years old? It’s all fine!

However, the embarrassed sister is so amazing, her granddaughter is so smart, but it can be understood.

"Hey, where is my grandmother? Take a little flower to see her!" The little paws of Yunchu’s first hand took Li Nian’s hand to ask for help.

Li Niang’s eyes were red, and she hugged her body and embraced the black heart. She whimpered and said, “Your grandmother was taken away! You don’t expect to see her again.”

At the beginning of the cloud, my eyes were stunned and caught. Not saying that you are dead? How was it taken again?

Although Yunchu is very keen to explain her identity, she feels that she is still observing and observing, and then confirming that this Li Niang is reliable.

Li Niang wanted to post a tracing notice and was stopped by Yunchu: "Hey, my mother and I have many enemies. If you let them know that I am here, we will all die. I have a way to contact them." Hey, don't worry."

Li Niang saw that she was a little man, and she also followed her.

In the next few days, Yunchu lived in Chunxilou.

At the beginning of the cloud, I realized that the place where she lived was a million miles away from the mixed yuan. It was very remote.

It's no wonder that Li Niang didn't react when she heard her name. I have to know that coughing, her size is also a personal thing.

Li Niang is very concerned about the care of the cloud, and she wants to talk a few times at the beginning of the cloud. Li Niang refused her because she was too young, saying that she would wait until her mother came over.

Cloud early: "..."


I dig a hole for myself!

No way, after a few days, when Yunchu discovered that Li Niang was really reliable, it showed her identity.

Li Niang did not believe at first, how could a good living person become a little girl!

At the beginning of the cloud, I had to say something about it, what happened to her after returning to the Mohist family and how to become a prostitute of Ye Family.

A good proof, Li Niang believes in the words of the beginning of the cloud.

"Li Wei, you don't have to be angry with me. I have too many people who have offended and have to be careful." Yun said in a beggar.

Li Niang touched her little head and sighed: "The heart is smart, it is the daughter of my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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