Chapter 3155, the calculation of the lessor

The bloodless promise was said by a woman, and there was some sadness for no reason. "You are a cold-hearted woman! I don't recognize people when I put on a skirt!"

Have you forgotten how strong you are? This young master has always kept himself as jade, just to find you, you have treated me like this, are you still human? ! ”

The blood is more and more said that the more sad, the evil eyes of the eyes are full of hurt.

The woman’s eyes twitched slightly, and the voice was still cold, but there was a bit of joke inside: “Are you sure that I am strong? You were forcibly thrown into your bed.

Besides, it was originally a matter of your wish, I am not a woman, you are a big man crying and crying is not too shameful? ”

There was a guilty conscience in the bloodless eyes, and I hugged the woman's arm: "This little master does not care what man or woman, anyway, you slept me, you are my person! This young master is clear, but you are this woman. , color, wolf sleep, you must follow me to make up for your fault."

The woman heard the bloodless promise, the cold expression seemed to be a bit cracked. The expression of a child who couldn’t understand the child looked at the bloodless eyes: "I can't go with you, but I can compensate you, say, what do you want?" make up.

Is it necessary to pay for the money or the drug? As long as I don't overdo it, I promise you, as long as you don't appear in front of me again. ”

The bloodless eyes are flashing a bit of a stern color, don't you go with him? It also depends on whether she has the ability to escape.

When the woman saw the eyes of the bloodless flash, she could not help but sneer: "I know what you are trying to do, I can leave here at any time, you can't keep me. I told you this, but I saw it. I used to borrow, I used to sleep."

There is no blood in the endlessly seen, and no longer continue to be mad and sell silly, the eyes of the eyes flashed the evil charm: "Well, since you say so, it is very simple, you let me sleep back."

"You, shameless!" The woman's cold throat was irritated, and apparently did not expect that Blood Promise would come up with such a request.

"I am shameless? Who was the coquettish style in front of the young master? Who boasted the good body of the chief? The flat body before and after you, the loss of the Ming is the Lord!" Blood Wuji glanced at the woman, Slightly said with disdain.

The woman is extremely angry and laughs: "Is it flat before and after? Even if I am flat before and after, it is stronger than your embroidered pillow!"

Blood Promise: "..."

It is unbearable, this **** woman!

The woman saw the chill and madness in the bloodless scorpion, and she regretted it a bit. She took out a symbol from the storage ring. When she was about to activate, she was taken over by the blood.

The woman’s heart is not good, she is about to turn and flee, but she is shackled by blood.

The woman hates it. It turns out that this **** man was so slow to deliberately confuse him. It is really abhorrent!

The blood is infinitely reaching out, picking up the woman's small mask and seeing the face that appears in his dreams.

The woman looked at her with the bloodless madness, and the cold scorpion was slightly uncomfortable. She said coldly: "You have let me go, or I will kill you once I am free."

Blood Promise Feng Mei slightly pick: "You have to understand, now you are my prey, how to deal with you, this is what the Lord said."

(End of this chapter)

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