Chapter 3163 is divided into two ways

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled and took out a coral fruit: "Yao Lao, you can rest assured that I have a lot of things, enough to detoxify."

Yao Laotou took over the coral fruit in the hands of Yunchu, and although he had never seen the real thing, he still saw it from books, and he could not help but smile.

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered the previous knowledge and asked: "Yao Lao, what is the purple face woman you said?"

"The purple-faced woman is the head of the demon temple. The spirit is extremely high. It seems that there should be at least nine layers of spiritual space, and even has reached the peak of the nine layers of the spirit. Her **** is very strong, so I dare not rush. Action, and there is no antidote in the hand, it will not help to save people." Yao old man said with a dignified look.

"Yao Lao, I am very puzzled. Since the people of the Demon Temple have arrested the heads of Baili and others, why not kill them? Is it not afraid of endless troubles?" Yun asked inexplicably.

"She naturally wants to kill them, but there is a law on the square of the square, and Bai Liqi and others have activated the protective cover before the spiritual power is exhausted, and killed Liu Zitong.

The people in the Temple of the Devil are all disciples. If they kill, they will not help. At this time, they are negotiating with the lives of those disciples.

Fortunately, Baili is not so stupid. Even if the people of the Demon Temple have killed some disciples, he has not removed the array of the Mixed Square, or else everyone will not survive.

Also, it is said that the purple face woman has been letting Bai Lijun say your whereabouts, it seems that you hate it! "Yao Laotou said a long time and looked at the cloud."

At the beginning of the cloud, I shrugged my shoulders: "It is not uncommon for people in the Temple of God to hate me. Whoever makes them do bad things will encounter this bad thing!"

Yao Lao, this way, we are divided into two ways. I first went to the door to scream the two stones, and then took them to attract the attention of the purple-faced woman. You took the time to save the disciples first, and then tried to get into the square to save the hundred-mile head. people. ”

Yao Laotou did not raise any objection. He said with a dignified look: "You try to hold the purple-faced woman as much as possible. The longer the time, the better. As long as her knowledge does not go back and forth, I will be sure to give the antidote to them." ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I nodded. "I am best at attracting hate values. You can rest assured!"

Immediately, the cloud was transferred to Yao’s head with a few sacks of coral fruit. As for the antidote to the body, it’s not a problem.

Yao Laotou looked at a few sacks of coral fruit and couldn’t help but wonder: "I don’t understand why I have so many corals?"

The beginning of the cloud will not be said to have been made from the illusory world. Haha said: "When I was in the mouth, when I was poor, I could only afford coral fruit, so I bought more."

Yao Laotou believed that it was true. He looked at the cloud at first glance, and said with his heart, it is no wonder that this little girl is so greedy, it turned out to be poor.

At the beginning of the cloud, I don’t know the content of Yao’s head and brain supplement. After the goods were separated from Yao’s old man, I carefully went to the mountain gate of the mixed Yuanzong.

At the beginning of the cloud, in order to hit the middle, no longer hide the power, and put all the spiritual pets of the spirit and beast bag out, almost no effort, and killed more than a dozen people who guarded the mountain gate.

The two stones are stunned by the face, is this little girl crazy? How can I kill even my own people?

(End of this chapter)

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