Chapter 3174, you deserve it.

Jin Zhi and Ye Bing Yu lost their strength, and shivered to touch the nose of the cloud, and found that there was no sound. The two suddenly felt pain in their hearts. Xiao Jiu, just like this, is it so dead?

They are very self-blaming in their hearts. If they are not to save them, Xiaojiu will not die. She can escape. They are all tired of Xiaojiu.

At this time, the Baili head and other people are outnumbered and have been surrounded by the group.

After Su Yanran took the medicinal herbs, the injury to the left shoulder was much better. The contemptuous glance looked at the head of Baili and others:

"If it wasn’t for the beginning of the cloud, the monk repeatedly destroyed our plan. The Xianyuan continent was already our **** demon temple! Give you a chance, as long as you surrender our gods, you will not die, or else you will not survive. !"

The heads of Baili and others will naturally not surrender. Even if they fight for self-destruction, they will lose both their lives and the devil's temple. They cannot let their conspiracy succeed.

Just when Baili’s head and other people wanted to blew themselves, a man came out of the big turtle shell, and everyone’s eyes were cast on her.

What is the beginning of the cloud? She, not dead?

The atmosphere of the cloud is more chill than before. It seems that even the last part of the world has disappeared. The purple lightning in the eyes looks more dazzling, dizzy, divine, and fascinating.

Su Shiran shouted: "Don't look at her eyes! You are a big man at the beginning of the cloud, how are you? Do you want to die again?"

At the beginning of the cloud, she looked at her without emotion and said coldly: "If you are enough, kill it!"

The voice of the beginning of the cloud just fell, the small lightning in the eyes flew toward the Su Shiran and the Temple of the Devil, and the air suddenly filled with a burning smell and a scream of screams.

Su Xiaoran was quite spiritual after all. She escaped the small lightning bolt in the early days of the cloud. She said with horror: "You, you are not a person! You are a monster, no, you are a demon, you foolish, I thought she was helping. Who is yours, she is a demon, you still haven't killed her!"

Although the heads of Baili and others are very shocked by the changes in the beginning of the cloud, they are not stupid enough to be provocatively sued by Su Shiran. They are once again killed with the people of the Temple of God.

At the beginning of the cloud, the coldness went to Su Xiaoran. Every step was like stepping on her heart. Su Shiran involuntarily began to retreat. She felt the shadow of death is shrouded her.

Her heart is extremely reluctant, why? ! Why is she clearly so strong, or will she lose to the waste of Yunchu? !

Why is it that she has been forbearing for so long, and finally she is defeated? ! Why is it that she is so hard at work, and finally it is not as good as this waste of eating and drinking? !

Su Suran was extremely panicked and angry, and he took out the unwillingness and doubts in his heart.

At the beginning of the cloud, the hook was slightly hooked: "You are not willing? You know why you lost? Because..."

When Yunchu said it, he paused for a moment and then spit out three words: "You deserve it!"

Su Shi is almost mad! But I have to admit that she is not the opponent of the beginning of the cloud, it is a special devil! Obviously she has to win, how can this waste suddenly become stronger? !

If Su Shiran knows that her words have angered the beginning of the cloud, let the cloud begin to inspire the pin, the soul of the small lightning, it is estimated that the intestines must be remorse!

(End of this chapter)

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