Chapter 3184, the box left by Lan’s

Ye Laoye sent another 100 million Shangpin Lingshi to Ye Yun’s original dowry. Yun’s first thought that it’s not bad to take out the strength of Ye’s family, so he did not raise any objections.

In fact, this goods is not short of money at all. She does not know how much money she has now. Lingshi does not have to say it. There are many, many things like Lingyuan.

The reason why she asked Ye Hao's dowry was to give her mother a gas, and let Ye family know that she knew the pain. Don't think that their mother and daughter are soft buns, and they will sell them when they are fine.

Ye Bingyu's mother-in-law specially sent some cakes and clothes that she liked to Yunxiao, and after talking about it, she said: "Xiaojiu, the second mother-in-law has no way to describe it with words. The second mother does not have What can reward you, can only ask you a few words.

The second aunt knows that you are very smart and very tall. But those who come from the cloud family are not good. Your current spiritual power is not their opponent. You must go to the Yun family to take care of you.

You need to hide your time, wait until the time is right, then take action, keep the cloud open and see the moon, and the second mother believes that you can do it. ”

He said that this is quite uncomfortable here: "Small nine-headed, I know that you are smart, maybe I have already thought of what I said, I am just..."

Yunchu’s hand holding Yu’s hand whispered: “Two mothers, Xiaojiu understand your heart, you can rest assured, I know what to do, I will not be willful.

By the way, when I was looking for a colorful crystal mushroom, I thought it was for you to dispense medicine. I have one here, you accept it! ”

After the past, the face was slightly reddish, because the colorful crystal mushroom was used to configure the prescription for easy pregnancy.

At the beginning of the cloud, I knew it well, and I didn’t break it. The two talked a few more words.

At the beginning of the cloud, when he was going to practice, his grandfather Ye Yuanliang came.

Ye Yuanliang’s face is full of embarrassment. It is understandable that he can understand him at the beginning of the cloud. There is a special and powerful Ye Laoye. There is a flying Ge’s beside him. He may be really affectionate to Lan’s, and he is also embarrassed about Ye Hao. But his character decided that he would only avoid when he encountered difficulties.

At the beginning of the cloud, she did not understand Ye Yuanliang’s intentions, so she did not speak after people had tea and cakes.

Ye Yuanliang sighed and transferred to a box at the beginning of the cloud.

The cloud is not clear at the beginning, so what do you do for a box?

"Small nine-headed, my grandfather is useless, I can't protect your mother, and I can't protect you now. The things in this box are all left by your blue grandmother. You bring it, you can see it when you see it." Thinking about people."

At the beginning of the cloud, this was suddenly realized. However, at the beginning, Ye Hao should take away the things of Lan’s, and how can there be a box?

Ye Yuanliang seems to have seen the doubts of Yunchu, explaining: "This box was discovered when I later renovated your blue grandmother's house."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. It turned out to be the case. Otherwise, according to her mother's temper, she must have taken the blue grandmother's things away.

Ye Yuanliang also transferred to the cloud at the beginning of the tens of millions of top grade Lingshi, sighed: "The grandfather is useless, and the body only has the money, you keep it in case you need it."

At the beginning of the cloud, there was no resignation. It is estimated that if she does not accept it, Ye Yuanliang will be more uncomfortable.

After Ye Yuanliang left, the cloud opened the box and saw that there was nothing valuable in it. There were only some clothes and jewelry, and there were some bits and pieces.

However, one of the inconspicuous jade cards attracted the attention of the cloud.

Eighth, see you at noon tomorrow. Can not sit for a long time, so only temporarily updated separately. If the state is good, it will make up. If the state is not good, it will owe it first, and it will definitely not be forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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