Chapter 3191 arrives at Yunwangfu

Liu Guan’s affair almost fell from the moment. What told him what to do? She said this, doesn’t it make people feel that he is lying?

Sure enough, everyone talked a lot, although I didn’t dare to say anything loudly, but the meaning that came out of my eyes was obviously that I thought it was true.

When the cloud is first seen, it will be collected, no more words, sitting on the giant rabbit and looking around.

In fact, she was a little nervous and excited, she must see her mother, her mother! No matter how she used to live, she has never seen her own mother. How can she not be excited? !

Finally, I arrived at Yunwangfu.

Yunwangfu occupies a whole street, which is enough to see the strength of Yunwangfu.

Yunwangfu’s lanterns are colorful, a festive celebration, and there are many maids at the door to meet, but no one is a serious master.

At the beginning of the cloud, she screamed. She was a younger generation. No one can say anything because Yun Wang couldn’t come out, and the people’s layout was so festive. She had given her face. What can she say?

This cloud king is in all likelihood, that is, the mother of the eve of the moon, the proper white lotus.

The maids and the next man saw the black heart nine riding the rabbit. Obviously, they were a little aggressive. Even the lines that were originally prepared were forgotten, and they looked at the black heart nine and her rabbit.

After a while, a woman coughed, and everyone said in unison: "Welcome Miss Nine back to the government."

At the beginning of the cloud, the woman looked at the woman. This woman must have been the confidant of Yun Wang. She hooked her mouth. "Are you so welcome? Just say something on your mouth? Do you see the master and even the ceremony?" do you know?"

Zhang Xin was shocked. This nine-something lady saw such a big posture not only did not leave the scene, but even let them salute?

At this time, there were already many people on the sidelines. Zhang Hao had to take the lead in giving a gift to Yunchu, and said again: "Welcome Miss Nine back to the government."

At the beginning of the cloud, there was no buzzing sound, but she looked at the courtyard of the big open four. She knew that outside the Yunwangfu, she had nothing to do with the demon. Once inside, these people did not have so much scruples. Prepared a lot of sloppy tricks waiting for her.

But what about this? Dry, yes!

The beginning of the cloud straightened the waist, and Shiran went into the Yunwangfu.

Liu Guanshi and Zhang Wei looked at each other and then followed them into Yunwangfu.

Those people also sneaked into the Yunwangfu, and the heavy door slammed the eyes of the crowd outside the government gate.

Those who ate melons shone with the light of gossip, whispering whispered: "The Miss Nine is estimated to suffer!"

"Yeah, she is really pitiful. If the predecessor Yun Wang is still there, she is the righteous county governor. Now it is estimated that even a prostitute can't match."

"That's for sure. Although it's all said that Yun Wang is good and good, but this nine Miss and her mother are her eyes, it is impossible to treat it well, or else Miss Nine can ride a rabbit back?!"

"Yes, and I heard that the old prince and the old prince are not looking at Ye's. It is estimated that they will not even see this Miss Nine, and their mother and daughter have suffered!"


In the celestial continent, a man with an extremely handsome face is holding a microphone in a palace hundreds of thousands of miles away from Ancheng. The original gloom of the eyes is lightened, and you finally come. Now! This time, you have no way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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