Chapter 3205 turned out to be short-lived?

Zheng hates not being able to sew the mouth of the cloud, and this **** stinky head must be a heart!

If you say that you are in poor health, why do you want to bring the eve of the moon? Isn't this the name that is going to ruin the eve of the moon? !

Zheng sighed: "Wang Tai doctor, let you laugh! This child is 80% confused, and they are beginning to talk nonsense, you still have to show her!"

Wang Taiji was used to the sinfulness of these back houses, so he didn't talk and started giving the black heart the Nine.

Black Heart has let the weeds make her pulse seem vain and messy, so Wang Tai’s brows wrinkled tightly, and after a long while, he recovered his hand.

"Yun Wang Yu, Nine Miss's pulse is vain and weak, and it seems that the water has not yet arrived, the body is really bad, it is no wonder that she said that she often dizzy and weak. Fortunately, she has spiritual power in her body, or she is worried.

I will first take a few medicines to eat first, usually pay attention to rest, do not have severe emotional fluctuations, or the condition will be aggravated. "Wang Taiji sighed and said."

He has seen many patients, and it is still the first time that the pulse has reached this level. It is not easy for this little girl to live until now!

Yun Wang slammed the real thing, she thought that the cloud was first loaded, did not expect to be really sick? And listening to this meaning is a short-lived? Ok, very good, but it doesn't help her.

Although Zheng was happy in his heart, he had a worried expression on his face, asked some precautions, and then sent people to Wang Tai’s doctor.

"Small nine-headed, you are safe to raise, what needs to let the people in your yard go to find me." Zheng said gently.

"That would thank the aunt, and Xiaojiu is not good, and will not send you." Blackheart said that he still coughed a few times.

Zheng’s appearance at the beginning of the cloud was half-dead, and his heart was very deflated. He also said a few words of falsehood, and this was gone.

When Yun’s first sight saw Zheng’s departure, he said weakly: “You two come in.”

The two maids came in and gave a ceremony: "Like flowers, see Snow, see Miss Nine."

At the beginning of the cloud, sitting on the bed, looked at the two maids and did not speak for a long time.

The heart of the two maids suddenly went up and down. What does this nine lady mean?

At the beginning of the cloud, he chuckled twice and said: "Isn't the big aunt telling you to report my every move to her? And let you respect me a lot, so that I can't find it?"

When the flowers and the cherished snow changed their faces, they were about to defend themselves. They heard the smile of the cloud and said: "You don't have to explain, you said I don't believe."

You have also heard that I have heard that Zhang Wei and Liu Guanshi have been cleaned up by me. They can all clean up, let alone your two little beautiful people!

If you want to live, you will never betray me directly, or else I will kill you now, I believe that Yunwangfu will not treat me because I killed two maids. ”

Xihua and Xi Xue quickly squatted on the ground, but the flowers trembled and said: "Miss Nine is forgiving, Miss Nine is forgiving! We will not, will not betray you!"

"That swear!"

"Miss Nine, this, this, you may not know, in the Optimus mainland, yes, there is no such thing as a swearing oath. Even if it is a swearing oath, it is useless."

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned and I didn’t have a vow to say? Hey, then, can she not use her swearing to swear by others?

(End of this chapter)

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