Chapter 3227, Big Aunt also tastes it.

Lao Wang looked at Zheng with a blank look: "Everyone, this soup is brought from the kitchen by the next person. What is Guan Xiaojiu?"

Zheng’s glimpse: "Is this soup not sent to you by Xiao Jiutou?"

The old king’s misty water looked suspiciously to Zheng: “Xiaojiu has never been here. How do you know that Xiaojiutou will give me soup?”

Zheng was shocked, the cockroach, the species did not come to send soup? Is it a pity to deceive her? No, the monk didn't have the courage to dare to lie to her. What happened?

Just then, a crisp voice came from outside the yard: "Grandma, grandmother, I am sending you soup! Today's soup is delicious!"

With the voice, the black heart is coming in.

When Zheng’s heart moved, she heard the news and rushed over. The speed was naturally faster than this, and it was really a miscalculation!

But it is also good, just to destroy the soup she took out, lest leave evidence.

After the black heart came in, I looked at the food on the table and slap a slap: "Grandma, how do you say so smart?! You just have no soup here, I will send it to you! Is this called a heart?"

Lao Wang yelled at her: "You are a little monkey, the most talk about it. I used to have a bowl of bamboo chicken soup, but your aunt said that there are some problems with the bamboo stalks used today, so I didn't let me drink, you What kind of soup is it? If it is also a bamboo chicken soup, hurry and throw it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled: "Grandma, my soup is not a bamboo chicken soup, but a melon ribs soup, so it is certainly no problem, let's drink this bowl."

At the beginning of the cloud, a bowl of melon ribs soup came out from the inside of the storage ring, and then he smiled and asked Zheng: "The big aunt, the bamboo chicken soup has a problem, this melon rib soup should be no problem?

Do you want to sit down and have a drink together? Today's soup smells extraordinarily fresh! Otherwise, I will not send it to my grandmother. ”

Zheng’s head screamed, she was too anxious just now, and did not ask for the soup that was given to this cockroach and seed at noon today. It seems that this bowl of melon ribs soup must be poisonous and must be overturned. Row.

So, Zheng smiled and said: "I just didn't eat, wouldn't I mind adding double chopsticks?"

Lao Wang Wei thinks that Zheng’s strangeness today is not allowed to leave her for dinner. Today, she actually wants to stay and eat.

Although the old Wang Hao was suspicious, he still asked the maid to add a pair of chopsticks.

As for the black heart nine, to the reincarnation, I have taken out a pair of dishes from the storage ring, and waited for the order to eat.

Lao Wang couldn't help but laugh, and tapped her forehead with his hand: "If you are hungry, then open the meal!"

Black heart, nine small white teeth, holding a spoon and holding a small bowl of soup in front of the old king, and then gave Zheng a bowl, and finally gave himself a bowl, crisp and said:

"Before you eat, drink soup, which is good for your health. Grandmother, the aunt will try this soup very quickly."

Zheng's eager head was full of sweat. Under her eagerness, her body slammed and her arm seemed to be unintentionally swept away. She sprinkled herself and the bowl of soup of the old king.

She thought, the cockroach, drink and drink, as long as the old king is not poisoned.

"Big aunt, are you okay? It's a pity that the two bowls of soup, but it doesn't matter, there are more than half of the bowl, I will help you and your grandmother a bowl." Blackheart nine stood up, smiled and began to simmer.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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