Chapter 3236, Yunjia Temple

When the cloud was suffocating, Ji Ji and others were on the ground, and the cloud was smashed to the ground by the season.

The beginning of the cloud, the face of the inexplicable, what kind of wind? !

"Miss Nine, the ones in front are the tombs of the ancestors of the ancestors of the cloud, and they are eager to bow down." Ji Yan said solemnly.

This is the beginning of the cloud, and it’s no wonder that it’s mysterious and arrogant.

This goods are followed by a few worships. To be honest, this product does not have much sense of belonging to the Yun family. Naturally, there is no feeling for these Yun family ancestors.

Not far from the Yunjiazu Tomb, there is a towering mountain peak. According to Ji Ji, it is the Yunyun Mountain, and the Yunjia Temple is located halfway up the mountain.

Everyone went to the door of the ancestral hall along the stone steps, and heard the voice of a man who was furious in the yard:

"Are you guys all dead? How did Ye Hao escape?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at my neck, what? Isn't this the cloud king's cloud seal? How is he here? Has her mother escaped?

When Ji Yun saw Yun Wangye, his face suddenly changed. When he wanted to say something, Yun Wangye turned his head and saw Yunchu and others.

Yunwang’s eyes stared at the beginning of the cloud, then said coldly: “Who made you come over? Is this where you should come?”

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth: "Uncle, it seems that I should ask you this. This is the Yunjia Temple. How can the great uncle be here? Even if it is a ancestor, can you not come here?"

Ji Yan saw Yun Wangye's face gloomy, and quickly said: "Wang Ye, is the old king, sent a slave to accompany Miss Nine to come and visit Mrs. Ye."

Yun Wangye’s face was slightly relieved, and he said gloomyly: “Ye Ye escaped, and it is said that he was walking with a wild man. This kind of monk who does not keep the woman’s way and does not know shame is really killing!”

The face of the cloud was suddenly cold: "Uncle, before you figure it out, please pay attention to your words. There are not only the formation, but also so many people, how did the so-called wild man come in? Wouldn't it be someone who wants to frame my mother, shut up my mother or kill it, and then deduct her a crime?"

When Yun Wangye heard the words of the cloud, his face was even more ugly. Those who turned to see the Yunjia Temple: "You said, what is going on? If anyone lie, I killed her!"

There are a lot of nuns on the ground, and one of the triangle-eyed nuns said: "Wang Ye, even if we lend us 10,000 courage, we dare not bully the prince! Ye Hao, the monk is always sick, She did not do her work, but also threatened us with suicide, and we had to let her be lazy.

However, what I didn't expect was that last night, I didn't know where to come from a wild man. I rushed out with the monk, and we couldn't stop it. ”

Yun Wangye hasn’t made a sound yet. At the beginning of the cloud, he sneaked over the triangle-eyed nun’s foot: “Put your mother’s dog stinky! What are you special about? You have a wild man! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart was full of anger. I could hear the words of this triangle-eyed nun. Ye Hao was not bullied by these people. It was really mad at her!

At the beginning of the cloud, I caught the neck of the triangle-eyed nun: "You tell me the truth, where is my mother? If you dare to have a half-lie, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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