Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3247: Your nine sisters are not simple

Chapter 3247 Your nine sisters are not simple

Those people are dumbfounded!

Yeah, they are simply blinded by lard!

Even if this cloud is not good at all, she is also a person who wants to be an apprentice. If the national teacher is optimistic, they are so unbearable to her, isn’t it insulting the national teacher’s eyes?

Those people are finally scared!

If it is sent to the government, it is a big crime to insult the national teacher. Maybe it will be punished for mining. If it is not good, it will be lost.

The more people think about it, the more they are afraid, the more they are rushing to the ground: "Miss Nine, we just fainted, so I said some nonsense, you have a lot of sparers!"

"Yeah, Miss Nine, we are also people, our brains are not good, we are stupid, you will put us as a fart!"

"Miss Jiu, I have a child who has to be fed under my mother, you will spare me this time!"


At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t talk, but when those people were desperate, the cloud said faintly: "It’s not my heart, it’s really a woman’s reputation. But you are also fooled, forget it, let's go. !"

Those people who listened to the beginning of the cloud said that they were grateful for Dade’s gimmicks and shackles, and then they left.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the rest of the crowd and said with a smile: "I don't know where you heard the version, it is so unbearable to me.

In fact, the matter is very simple. The National Teacher really took a fancy to me, but because I already have a sweetheart, the National Teacher has fulfilled me.

As for the sacrifice of the gods and phoenixes, it is also because God Feng feels that my life is pitiful and kind, so I am confiscated. If Shen Feng dislikes me, it is better to kill me directly from the eye. ”

After the beginning of the cloud, Shi Shiran took the stunned flowers and the snow to continue to sneak forward.

The crowds on the crowd pondered, it seems that the beginning of the cloud is the truth, the ones that were said before are really outrageous, and the whispers are scattered.

Not far from the second floor of an inn stood two men, and the scene that just happened was clearly seen.

"Chen Chen, your nine sisters are really not simple. Such a simple toss breaks the rumors. It is no wonder that the national teacher wants to accept her as an apprentice." It is the five emperors cold Tianhong.

The man next to the five emperors was Yun Zhichen of the Yunjia Sanfang. He frowned. "His Highness, my nine sisters are very articulate, but they are too sharp, but they are a little girl."

The five emperors looked at Yun Zhichen like a smile, and then said: "Chen Chen, I can take advantage of her is not simple, the Chinese teacher's fancy will be simple?! And I heard that Yun Wangye took her Pick it up, it should be the hint of the father."

Yun Zhichen's double eyebrows were tighter, and then said: "Is it a suggestion on the holy? If it is the suggestion of the Holy One, how could the uncle attack the idea of ​​killing her?"

"It's very simple. It is estimated that Yun Wangye thinks that she refused the national teacher. It has no value, and it has broken his scandal. Naturally, he has to kill the mouth." Five emperors with a bit of disdain and sneer.

Haven't waited for Yun Zhichen to speak, the five emperors continued: "You Yunjia now only you are a good, the rest is not mediocrity or misbehavior, so this cloud lord's position is only the most suitable for you to do.

However, the cloud seal is now firmly rooted. We will probably not be able to take him for a while, but we must plan slowly. ”

(End of this chapter)

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