Chapter 3324, happy, crazy Sima Yixiang

What do you think of all the people? How can they not understand the words of the referee?

What are the ten top grades?

What genius?

Is he crazy?

The rest of the referees looked suspiciously to the alchemy furnace that all won, and then stayed one by one, and saw that there were ten rounds of eight-turned raw dan in the alchemy furnace, and they were all top grades!

They finally understood why the referee would faint!

This all-winning age is so small that there is such an alchemy rumor, if this is a time, it must be a generation of alchemy master!

All wins and sees those referees who look like a wolf like a tiger (seeking a hungry), suddenly screaming in their hearts, this has already converged, how is it so shocking?

Is this Qingtian mainland higher than the Xianyuan continent? How is the level of alchemy so slag? Knowing this early, she will converge again!

Ugh! Being too good is also a burden!

The goods decided to cover up, and the face showed a sincere and fearful expression: "Actually, in fact, I have never refining such high-level medicinal herbs, maybe the herbs that have been messed up have worked?"

When the referees heard it, they suddenly realized!

It must be like this! They said, this little girl is no matter how talented, and it is impossible to metamorphosis to this extent. It is estimated that she is so messy and she does not know how to beat it!

Some referees quickly took out the pen and paper and tried to remember how the cloud was first done. I recorded it in detail, and then prepared to go back and then ponder it. Even the leaves were written, and I asked the cloud at first. What kind of leaves are that?

At the beginning of the cloud, I glanced at the host and said, "The host, should you announce my results?"

The host looked at the dumbfounded look at the excitement. This wave of tri-fold is nothing more than the words written in the book!

Originally thought that this all win is a joke, where to think it turned out to be a legend! It’s really dog ​​blood!

The host was calm and steady, and this loudly announced: "Dongfengguo all win, 10% into Dan, and ten are top-grade drugs, fifty points."

Suddenly, the fryer!

What the hell?

Ten percent into a rate of Dan? Ten are top grade drugs?

how can that be? Do not make jokes! Don't say that little girl, that is, the alchemy teacher in the middle country can't do it, okay?

However, since the moderator has announced it, it should be impossible to do it. The winner is really a dog, a donkey, and a transporter! It’s a success when it’s messed up, it’s really no one!

Qiu Anbang and other players incredibly gathered in front of the operating platform that they all won. They saw the medicinal herbs in the alchemy furnace, and after they smelled it, they suddenly felt shocked. It was really just refining. They lost!

Sima Yixiang’s face is so wonderful!

Unbelievable - Surprise - ecstasy, then hugged Yun Zhichen next to him and laughed.

Yun Zhichen’s heart is like a dog, and when you are old, you can’t hold it a bit. Didn't you take the first place in the alchemy test? Are you so excited?

"Yun Shizi! Heaven has eyes! After the Emperor went to the emperor, we have not taken the first place in Dongfengguo!"

Besides, this alchemy was originally the long-term item of our Dongfeng country. Now it has finally won the first place. This is a great joy for the celebration! No, I will go back to my next report! ”

Yun Zhichen is speechless!

It’s hard to hold Sima’s madman, who is crazy: “Peace, calm! Calm! You will come over in the afternoon, and it’s not too late to tell her.”

(End of this chapter)

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