Chapter 3334

There was a dead tree in the enchantment, and those bloodsucking fell on it, and the fierce eyes stared at Bishou.

They obviously have some taboos for the rest of the people, and they have not immediately attacked Bishou, but they have tried to flap their wings.

The players are frowning one by one. These bloodsucking scorpions are different from other fascinating birds. They are very united. If they are not good, they will be besieged by these bloodsuckers. It is necessary to be cautious.

The three players in the North Xuanguo obviously have to calm down. They all have had the experience of successfully sucking blood. However, now these bloodsucking cockroaches have just been put in, and when the physical strength is sufficient, it is better to wait.

The other two players in Dongfengguo smashed their eyes and then whispered: "The bloodsucking cockroaches are very fierce. Don't stay away from us, lest they be attacked."

Bi must win a flash of light inside his eyes and nodded: "Thank you two, I will be careful."

Those who sucked blood and saw that little girl had been closely following the other two players in Dongfengguo, there was no rash action.

They are quite intelligent, and naturally understand that these people are trying to make them here, it is simply delusional! They **** blood and prefer to die and not become the spiritual pet of stupid humans.

As a result, the two sides have been deadlocked for some time.

Finally, the bloodsucking cockroaches can't hold back!

They have been hungry for a few days, and they watched the food in front of them. Where can they stay? ! What's more, they know that the purpose of these people is to incite them, and they will not want their lives, so there is no fear!

They still regarded the most spiritually weak Bishou win as the primary goal. Almost every moment, all the bloodsucking swooped down towards the position where Bishou won.

Bi Xuying has long been staring at those bloodsucking cockroaches, seeing them swooping over, and the goods began to sneak back and forth in the crowd, while running:

"God! Are these birds crazy? To attack me for Mao! Help!"

"Uncle, rivers and lakes to help! Please, fast, you help me block!"

"Big brother, when you look at you, you will be very good, fast, hurry up!"


The other three countries' players are simply pumping straight, and you are too bad! You are the fault of the east!

But there is no way, those bloodsucking cockroaches have been hungry red eyes, see Bi must win everywhere, some are still chasing after, and some are simply attacking other players.

The players have left room to leave. After all, the ultimate goal is not to kill these bloodsucking cockroaches, but to smother them, so the bloodsucking is ridiculous and the attack is even more crazy.

The two sides have been caught in a chaos, of course, Bi Wei won is just a full-fledged escape, and there is no room for a counterattack.

However, it is strange to say that those who **** blood are not able to get to her. In the end, those bloodsuckers simply give up her and attack other players.

The Bi must win and see no bloodsucking, then chased her, and sat down on the ground, sighing and sighing:

"Hey, this is too difficult to test! I know this, I said nothing to participate! Other tests are just to examine the player's ability, this beast is almost terrible!"

The subjects of Dongfengguo had given high hopes to this little girl who was also a "winning" character. Now, at first glance, he was discouraged!

On this item, let alone win, can save a small life, it is estimated that God Feng bless!

(End of this chapter)

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