Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3343: Jingmuguo's requirements

Chapter 3343, Mr. Jingmu's Requirements

The Wenwu group of ministers saw the contents of the Jingmu Guoguo book, and suddenly they showed angry expressions on their faces. It was really deceiving too much!

The general content of Jingmu’s national book is that I heard that the Fenghua female emperor of Dongfengguo’s new enlistment is very beautiful, so she is prepared to let their princes marry the Fenghua female emperor as the prince.

If Dongfengguo promised, the tribute of the Dongfengguo 50% can be reduced. If Dongfengguo does not agree, then Dongfengguo will be destroyed.

The tempering grandson immediately said: "Your Majesty, this well-wood country is really deceiving! They are not in the eyes of our Dongfeng country, I am going to kill the messenger of Jingmuguo!"

Sima Yixiang yelled: "Well! Jingmu is a second-class country. The strength of a well-wood country is even stronger than that of the four countries. If you angered Jingmu, it would be easy to destroy Dongfeng. !"

"That is what you said, is it really a shame to let us marry the Prince of Jingmu?" This is a shame!"

"Even so, you can't turn your face with Jingmu, or you can't imagine it!"


At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the disputes of the people. The face was very cold. Even if the three countries of the South Dragon were united, she was not afraid. I just did not expect that such a second country like Jingmu would actually make such a request.

Their purpose is obviously not really to let her do anything about the side of the prince, this is provocation, is to find 茬, whether she promised or not, Jingmuguo will find an excuse to annex Dongfengguo.

It is reasonable to say that the pattern of the Qingtian continent has always been very stable. In addition to paying the Lingshi on time, the countries of all levels basically do not interfere with each other. Why does the well-wood country want to annex their Dongfeng country?

At the beginning of the cloud, he was silent for a long while, and then he took a book: "Okay! This is a matter of self-proposal! Yun Shizi, you immediately sent people to collect information from Jingmuguo to see if something unusual happened.

In addition, Sima Yixiang, you immediately drafted a national book, saying that this matter is of great importance. I have to consider a month, and the wording is euphemistic, so that the messenger of Jingmu can be brought back. ”

Yun Zhichen and Sima Yi nodded and said that although everyone was upset, no one dared to continue to say anything.

After the DPRK, the cloud began to arrive at the temple.

She hasn't explained her intentions yet, and the national teacher said faintly: "Your Majesty, I know what you are coming to. But we have never been involved in the fights of hate palaces, so please come back!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled a little: "National teacher, are you not afraid that after our Dongfengguo was annexed by Jingmu, is your position not guaranteed?"

Guo Shi’s face was stiff for a moment, and then said: “Even so, I will not violate the rules of the palace of hate, and the time will rule.”

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the national division was not hard to eat, so I had to return to the feathers.

It seems that the national teacher and the hate palace are not expected, and they can only think of other methods.

After a few days, Yun Zhichen came to see the beginning of the cloud.

"Your Majesty, because the second-class countries are not allowed to enter the third-class countries, the news we can get is very limited."

"No problem, you give me the information I collected, let me see."

At the beginning of the cloud, the news that Yun Zhichen handed over was summarized and turned over.

The beginning of the cloud turned from the beginning to the end, and did not find any useful news, but from the news collected, at least it can be proved that the action of Jingmuguo has nothing to do with the three countries of Nanlong.

So why did Jingmu suddenly make trouble?

Bamboo shoots, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Today, bamboo does not make up, and tomorrow will make up, wave one day, what?

(End of this chapter)

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