Chapter 3372 is a good show

After the Nanzhao Emperor slowed down for a while, he slowed down from the sorrow and anger, and then asked him with no anger: "The martial arts, the covenant has been signed, how do we go?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth and mysterious smile: "Let's play!"

Nanzhao Emperor and others are unknown, so I saw Yun Chuan took out a voice, did not know what to say with someone, and then smiled at the distant border.

Nanzhao and others had to look around their necks. What kind of drama is it?

After less than half an hour, I saw the dust in the distance, and there were tens of thousands of people from the Dongfeng country to the place not far from the border. The first is Yun Zhichen.

Jingmuguo is stationed here on the border with a general named Shang Liangxin. When he saw Yun Zhichen coming with so many soldiers, he was amazed by some questions:

"What do you mean by this? Do you want to invade our well-wood country?"

Yun Zhichen hugged him with a fist: "This general, you misunderstood! I just received a message from my family, saying that she will soon reach the border, so come over and meet."

Shang Liangxin couldn't help but sneer. He had already received the voice of His Royal Highness. The Fenghua female emperor and the other three monarchs all entered the Valley of Desolation. All of them were dead and upset. How could they be safe? Arrived here?

The people of Dongfengguo are simply blinking and talking, it is estimated that it is to inquire about the news of the Fenghua female emperor!

Therefore, Shang Liang Xin Pi smiled and said: "This general has heard that the four monarchs are still in the capital of our well-wood country. You should please come back! Otherwise, don't blame us!"

Yun Zhichen frowned. "Is it? We really said that we will reach the border soon. This general, you can do it for a while."

Yun Zhichen said that he transferred to Shang Liangxin’s abundance of Lingshi, and Shang Liangxin took advantage of it. His attitude changed: “Well, if you are, you are waiting here. However, this general is the most Give you an hour of time, more than one hour, you must leave, otherwise there will be suspicions of infringement of my well-wood country."

Yun Zhichen nodded again and again, and let the soldiers behind him move a lot of wine and said with a smile: "This is a bit of our Dongfeng country, let everyone solve the problem."

The soldiers of Jingmuguo used to get Naka, and naturally they would not be polite. They ate and ate in groups of three and five, and only a dozen soldiers walked around the border symbolically.

When the cloud saw it, he lowered his voice and said, "I count three numbers. You give me the fastest speed. As long as you cross the boundary line, those of Jingmuguo can’t help but hear. No?"

Nanzhao Emperor and others nodded again and again, no wonder this Shantou film said before, as long as the border is safe, she has already arranged a heavy army here.

The reason why she did not let Yun Zhichen take the troops directly to save people, it is estimated that in order to prevent Jingmu from finding a living, this little girl is really thoughtful!

At the beginning of the cloud, the number of voices is low: "One, two, three, rush!"

Nanzhao and others have fought their lives and flew forward, joking, this is a matter of human life. If it runs slow, it may be taken down by Jingmuguo as a hostage.

The soldiers of Shang Liangxin and Jing Muguo were eating and drinking. When they did not respond, they saw several personal influences crossed the border.

When they reacted, they only heard the deafening slogan of the Dongfengguo soldiers: "Welcome to your Majesty! Your majesty of the country will be unparalleled in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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