Chapter 3389 has no memory loss

In the early days of the cloud, there was a sudden uneasiness in her heart. She pointed to herself and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Emperor Beibei said faintly: "Nature, you are my fiancee."

At the beginning of the cloud, he asked: "Do you remember everything that I experienced?"

The tone of Emperor Beibei is still calm and waveless: "Remember naturally, when you stole the exquisite Cabernet Sauvignon, the deity went to find you, and then the latter happened."

At the beginning of the cloud, he asked a few things that only two people knew. Although there was no change in the tone and look of Emperor Beibei, they all answered.

At the beginning of the cloud, he felt a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not make a memory of the dog blood bridge, but why did it become so cold?

Is it the sequela of unlocking the seal?

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw busy soldiers around me. I had to say, "I will take you to the city hall for temporary residence. I have something to ask you."

Emperor Beibei nodded faintly, and went to the city government with the cloud.

On the road, the first few clouds wanted to go to the hands of Emperor Beibei, and they were all escaping from the North, and finally said coldly: "The deity does not like being too close, so don't do such things in the future. It is."

At the beginning of the cloud, the face could not help but the anger in the heart gradually came up, but I thought, just now, I just asked if it was better.

Therefore, the goods endured the anger of the heart, and took the emperor to the city government.

At this moment, the sounds in the storage ring trembled, and the first time the cloud took it out, it was the bloodless coming.

She frowned slightly and plunged into the gods. There was a voice from the bloodless princes: "Small nine sister, have you seen that face? Then, you have to be prepared, that face seems to be Something went wrong, not the sequelae of the previous release of the seal."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard a little bit of understanding. Fortunately, there were two voices in the bloodlessness: "In the past, this face was cold or arrogant, at least it was emotional. After this time, it was nothing, desire, no It’s horrible, it’s always a dead face!”

"My brother, I also recently released a little seal. It’s a coincidence that I know something about it. In this case, in all likelihood, he broke the ice seal in advance and sealed his own seven emotions. What, cough, Xiaojiu sister, I am afraid that I can’t sleep in this life!”

"Small nine sister, brother and dark wind was thrown into the ghost place by the face, or else my brother went to see you, you take care!"

As the saying goes, the shackles of the two legs are not easy to find. Some of the three-legged people are, ah, the opposite! Anyway, in one sentence, you should not be too sad!

Because you are sad and dead, I am afraid that face is also expressionless! ”


Blood Promise Barabara said a big push, the central idea is to persuade the cloud to see the opening point, and the cloud has been smashed for a while before replying:

"Since it is a seal, nature can be solved. What can I do to unlock his seal?"

"This, my brother doesn't know. After all, I just unlocked a little seal. However, one thing you can rest assured, that face is now like a living dead, and certainly will not carry you, let your brother re Unlocking some seals will definitely help you find a way."

(End of this chapter)

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