Chapter 3418, City Break

As the number of violent people increased, the panic of Ganshi City suddenly spread.

Liu Yanxiang was anxious and afraid, and finally finally found out the reasons for those who were violent.

It turned out that some poisonous mushrooms were also found on the walls of some wells in the city. These poisonous mushrooms are much more toxic than the walls of the city. Drinking such well water will naturally lose their lives.

The people of Jingmuguo listened to this explanation. Not only did they not release their feelings, but they even became more panic. This is obviously the warning of God. Otherwise, how can there be poisonous mushrooms in the wells?

This is just the beginning. Soon, some people wake up and even have poisonous mushrooms on their heads. The souls that are scared are not attached.

The female emperor will naturally not waste a good time. Two days later, the siege order was issued.

The female emperor was behind, shouting with spiritual power:

"The people of Jingmuguo, you listen, you can only surrender to save your life now, or you will become the nourishment of poisonous mushrooms!"

"Surrender! If you surrender, there will be a good day! Besides, who does the emperor have anything to do with you?! As long as the war is over, you will be able to cultivate well. Isn’t it better than now?"

"Whoever opens the gate of the city and rewards him with a million top grade stones!"


The soldiers of Jingmuguo were originally people's hearts, and then they heard the flickering of Yunchu, and they even had no resistance.

Finally, some people couldn’t stand the temptation to bounty, opened the gate, and the Allied Forces killed it...

The next thing went smoothly. Except for some of the shackles of Liu Yanxiang, who had escaped from Liu Yan, the rest of them surrendered.

It is also strange to say that when the sun rises the next day, neither the poisonous mushrooms on the wall nor the poisonous mushrooms elsewhere disappear.

This time, not only the people of Jingmuguo believe that this is a punishment, even the Allied forces of the four countries believe.

They are more confident in their hearts that they are a party to justice, and they feel more energetic when they walk!

Nanzhao Emperor three privately squatted, always felt that this matter has something to do with the Shantou film. After all, she entered the depths of the jungle. On the second day, there were many poisonous mushrooms in Ganshicheng.

Just how did she do it?

The three guessed and guessed that it was the merits of Shenfeng, and the Shantou film was the ambassador of Shenfeng. Maybe some secrets would be like this.

After the three people want to understand, there is another layer of jealousy in the heart.

As a result of the compilation of more than 100,000 troops of Jingmu, the next four-nation coalition was in a state of ruin, and soon it was killed outside Jingcheng.

Liu Yanxiang and Yu Linjun persisted for less than two days, and they were attacked by the Allied Forces of the Four Kingdoms. Finally, the Emperor Gongzhao and others were trapped in the palace.

Liu Yanxiang knows that the general trend has gone. Now it is only necessary to keep a small life first. Therefore, he took advantage of Gong Zhao’s imperialism and even killed Gong Zhaodi.

When Liu Hanyan saw it, he couldn't help but be shocked: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Liu Yuxiang found a jade from the storage ring of Gong Zhaodi, and said in a haze: "No poison, no husband, now the national jade is in our hands, this is the treasure of our father and daughter."

"Hey, can this thing save our lives?"

"Only the master of the passing of the country is the emperor who is justified. Whether it is the Fenghua female emperor or the other three, I must want this passing country."

Let's use this passing country to fight for a way out, maybe we can change the future. "Yu Yan said insidiously.

(End of this chapter)

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