Chapter 3433 Candle Valley

When I saw the plants that I couldn't recognize, I felt that the previous guess was correct. There must be enchantment and isolation from the world, or no one would pick these high-level elixir.

There are still lingering clouds in the distance, and you can see a towering mountain peak, but the shape of this mountain is a bit strange, it seems, like the root...the candle.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is no time to go to the shape of this mountain peak. This is an eager to find a place where you can temporarily avoid the thunder, even if it is a cave.

When Black Heart was thinking about it, I finally saw a deep hole in the distance.

"Haha! Kung Fu pays off, this cave looks very strong and should be able to escape for a while!"

The goods climbed into the caves, and the sky-thunders that smashed down the clouds were followed by some twists and turns, but the power was greatly reduced, and there was no big obstacle to the black heart.

The sorrow of the dark clouds, regardless of the beginning of the madness towards the mountain, especially what, it is impossible to crush this evil in the cave!

Unfortunately, this mountain is exceptionally strong, and the dark clouds have been smashed for a long time and only some gravel has been fallen.

The dark clouds had to be smothered for a while, and it did not believe that the stinky head had been hiding inside.

The black heart nine in the cave is meditating and tempering. Suddenly a huge suction hit, and the goods were sucked into the depths of the cave.

Because the change happened in a flash, Black Heart Nine had no time to react. When the reaction came, it was already locked into a cage.

"Oh, it turned out to be the little girl of Tianlei Linggen, it is really the creation of this seat!" A man's illusion said with a smile.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was like a dog!

Mom, just out of the wolf's nest and into the tiger's den, she is no one on this back!

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the man in front of me, and my heart moved. Before she saw the mountain like a candle, this is obviously a demon in front of her eyes. Is it the shadow magic that the succubus says?

At first, the succubus was exposed by her flickering to reveal a few hidden places of the demon. Among them, there was a shadow magic. He said that the shadow demon was hidden in the candle valley, and it should be the candle valley.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes of Ba Baba: "You are a shadow predecessor?"

The Shadow Magic: "How do you know the name of this seat?"

At the beginning of the cloud, two tears of crocodile were squeezed out: "The Shadow Devils! I can find you! I am the apprentice of the succubus predecessors! I am here to find you!"

The shadow of the Shadow Devil: "The succubus apprentice?"

"Yeah, my master was trapped in the sea of ​​flames of the Xianyuan continent. It couldn't get out. He told me where some of my predecessors were trapped, let me save you all, and then seek common affairs." The first time I really said it.

This cargo found that this cage was made with Wannian black iron, and it was isolated, and she was afraid that the big kitchen knife would be thundered. She had already taken it into the storage ring. Now she can only rely on her mouth to flick, just let her out. The cage is easy to handle.

The shadow magic stared at the beginning of the cloud and looked at it: "Collecting big things? What are the big things?"

"Of course, it is to concentrate all our strengths to capture a continent or return to our homeland." Yun began to look forward to the future.

The Shadow Magic heard the first words of the cloud, and believed in the heart. After all, the Mozu had its own sphere of influence, and the stupid humans did not know.

"Although what you said is a bit of a reason, why is the succubus that will accept you as an apprentice?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I was a little proud of my face: "Because I look good, I am a long-time country!"

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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