Chapter 3451 My surname is North

The princess of Ziyue looked obsessed with the approaching Emperor Beibei. She had never seen such a good man, especially the kind of breath that was not close to her, which made her fascinated.

Even if the man has married his wife and children, she will be fixed! As for his wife and this little cockroach, looking for an opportunity to kill is!

Although the purple moon princess has a vicious idea in mind, it is very understanding to say it: "This son is so good, we have met again. It is better to look for the ghost face orchid together. I have many people here, I can also help. You look after your daughter."

Emperor Beibei nodded slightly, and the Purple Moon Princess immediately let her hand hold down Xiaoxiaojiu. The Emperor Beibei said coldly: "No."

Black Heart Nine is quite satisfied with the Emperor Beibei. If he dares to let others hold her, she will cry to him!

"I don't know what the son called?" Princess Ziyue asked a little shyly.

"My surname is North, called Beiyu, the fish of the big fish! It is the kind of fish that can be used for eating! But if you can't eat well, it will make you feel awkward!" said Xiao Xiaojiu.

Emperor Beibei’s face was stiff, and the hand holding the black heart was tight.

Princess Ziyue felt that there was something in the words of Xiaotoutou. There was some irony in her meaning. I couldn’t help but feel angry. I looked at Xiaoxiaoji’s eyes and showed a trace of viciousness. I was looking for a chance to kill this little dragonfly directly in this orchid valley. It’s good to avoid bad things for her.

Even so, she said with a reddish face: "The northern son, the ghost face orchids generally live in dark and damp places, and the ghost face is found in the place not far from the front. We have seen it in the past."

The emperor’s faint whispered, as the Princess of Purple Moon continued to move forward.

After about an hour, everyone came to a bush.

It is close to the stream, and there are many dead branches and leaves under the low shrubs. This is the place that best suits the growth of the ghost face.

Black Heart Nine Hearts wonders that the Purple Moon Princess is not saying that she has the treasure to look for ghost face orchids? What kind of treasure is it?

When the black heart was wondering, the purple moon princess took out a bead that radiated a faint blue glow. The Purple Moon Princess explained:

"Beigongzi, Ghost Face is the best at camouflage, it is difficult to be discovered, but the blue light emitted by this orchid in my hand can easily find the ghost face."

Emperor Bei’s faint nodded and did not speak.

The purple moon princess was slightly disappointed in the heart. This Beigongzi was too cold. It was estimated that it was because of the little cockroach in his arms. It was damn!

Princess Purple Moon searched in the bushes with the orchids in her hand, but unfortunately nothing was obtained.

Someone sighed: "This ghost face is getting harder and harder to find. Is it necessary to return without success?"

"Yeah, I haven't found the traces of Ghost Faces for many years. It's a **** of a hell! Where did those ghost faces go?"


The Purple Moon Princess heard the complaints of her men, and coughed with disappointment, and everyone suddenly snorted.

"We go to the ghost hole to try our luck, maybe there will be gains there." Ziyue Princess glanced at Xiao Xiaojiu in the arms of Emperor Beibei.

Immediately, a woman who was old was persuaded: "The princess, the ghost hole is dangerous, the ghost face is precious, but it is not risky, forget it!"

Princess Ziyue said with dissatisfaction: "Liu Wei, the heart of this palace has been decided, you don't have to say it."

(End of this chapter)

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