Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3468: Reason for being selected

Chapter 3468 Reasons for being selected

The National Teacher looked at the children who had been eliminated and said with a gentle tone: "Because they are telling the truth, it is the most real thought in the heart."

Their parents were killed by traitors, they have enough motivation to practice, and their brothers and sisters are very deep and rare. ”

At the beginning of the cloud: "..." There is a saying that I don't know what to say, what kind of eyes do you specifically see that they are telling the truth? !

Those children listened to the national teacher and said nothing. They suddenly had nothing to say, and they were taken out with dejectedness.

Zhang Tong was very happy. I didn't expect the two little dolls to pass the wrong selection. Although there are still many rounds of selection, the two little dolls will not die, and there will be a blessing. Maybe it will be true. Can be chosen!

When Zhang Tongling was thinking about it, the Guoshi said to him: "Zhang Tongling, you **** these children to the hate palace, you must not lose."

Zhang Tongren respectfully said that he then took the selected twenty children out of the temple.

In the heart of the cloud, I thought that it was said that the distance from the hate palace was hundreds of thousands of miles away. I just found a reason to escape on the road, just to take the opportunity to get out.

When the goods came to mind, the mood suddenly became much better, and the walk was lighter.

Emperor Beibei was keenly aware of the change in the mood of the black heart, slightly frowning, but he quickly guessed the idea of ​​the beginning of the cloud.

He also felt that this was a good opportunity to get out of trouble, so the brows that were slightly wrinkled also stretched out.

However, when he and the black heart nine saw thousands of soldiers outside the city gate, suddenly he was half-hearted, and only sent 20 children to send so many soldiers?

Where did they know that Xuanyuan Emperor was now on thin ice, for fear that there would be a little more mistakes, and this sent a heavy escort.

Black heart nine times when the head is pulled, finished! It was impossible to escape at this moment. With so many eyes staring, she and Xiaobai’s face could not escape even if they had wings.

Everyone got on the flying spirit and galloped in the direction of the hate palace.

The children were initially cautious, but they soon became familiar with each other, and even faintly divided into three factions. One of them was a nobleman, headed by the Nine Emperor Xuanyuan Zhuo, and the other was a civilian son, headed by a little boy named Deng Qianyuan. As for the black heart nine and the emperor, they were excluded and became the third party.

Both sides have tried to join the two, but they have all been rejected by the black heart and nine, so the two became gloriously the third force.

Because Zhang Tonglian took care of the two, the children did not dare to bully the two, although they were isolated from the black heart and a certain respect.

The beginning of the cloud is not a child. I am very scornful about this naive behavior. It is better to play her little white face with this leisure time!

After about half a day, the flying spirits landed on the ground.

Black Heart 9 couldn't help but wonder, how come the end of the landing? what's going on?

After a while, there were children who had boarded the flying spirits.

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard some words and suddenly understood that these children were chosen by other cities in the Kingdom of Heaven. Also, it is impossible to choose only from the capital city, and children from other cities should naturally participate in the election.

However, the number of children selected by other cities is obviously less than that chosen by the capital. It is also understandable that the people with great spirituality in the heavens are basically gathered in the capital.

The number of children who have been newly joined has risen from twenty to one hundred when they came out of the land of heaven.

The children soon joined the camp of Xuanyuanzhuo and Deng Qianyuan, and only the black heart nine and the emperor were still leisurely and leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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