Chapter 3499, Let's fight in a group.

The emperor’s eyes flashed a bit of praise, and although the little rogue’s spiritual power was a waste, it’s a good thing.

However, Emperor Beibei still poured a cold water on the black heart that was almost excited by the excitement: "Your method is naturally good, but how do you convince the other three countries?

Moreover, now that time is tight, I have not waited for you to convince the three countries, I am afraid that the army of the three countries of the Star Kingdom will be attacked. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I was suddenly woken up. Yes, she didn’t have the voices of the three kings. If she wanted to communicate, she could only go to the country. The most terrible thing is that going to the three countries will pass through the star country. The Three Kingdoms, they certainly will not let the East Fengguo messenger pass.

Even if you think of a way to go, you will waste a lot of time, when the day lily is cold.

When the black heart was not eye-catching, Emperor Beibei said faintly: "The two wastes may be able to help."

The first thing in the cloud is a glimpse, and then hugs the emperor’s madman: "Baby, I just love you! You are so smart! It’s a man who is a cloud, I’m going to be smart. Come on me!"

Someone is ashamed and annoyed: "Don't mess around! Don't you think about how to do it?!"

Black Heart Nine, then released the sinful claws, and then took out the paper and pen to smear, and finally wrote a national book, and felt that the wording was not elegant, so I had to call Sima Yixiang back.

When Sima Yi was upset, Yun Yunyi said his plan again.

Sima Yi stayed for a while, only to admire the face and said: "Your Majesty, you are really a big man, strategizing, you have such a sire, it is really the blessing of our Dongfeng national subjects, no, it is the blessing of everyone in the Qingtian continent. !"

Blackheart nine smugly can't control her to send a few!

It’s hard to hold on to my heart’s smugness and say faintly: “If you win the prize, you will be a little smarter than the average person. Hey, this is a simple national book, and you will polish your touches.”

Sima Yi received the national book handed over from the black heart, and saw the word like the dog crawling on it. The mouth twitched a bit, and sure enough, no one was perfect. They left the word, it was really hard to say.

Sima Yixiang has retouched the national book prepared by Yunchu, but in fact translated into the vernacular is nothing more than:

Dear a certain country, you know that the three kings of the star country are now besieging our Dongfeng country. If our Dongfeng country is scraped by them, then their strength must be stronger than you. In this case, It is inevitable that they will hit the ideas of your three countries in the future.

In addition, even if your three countries are now joining their camp, let's not say that they promised not to agree, even if they agreed, you and our Dongfengguo are not bordered, and you will not get a half benefit.

Nowadays, an opportunity to reflect the benefits of helping others in your country can bring great benefits! That is, our Dongfeng country has dragged the three-nation coalition forces, and your three countries will soon be able to win the Star State with a knife in the back.

At that time, our four countries will unite, and the elimination of the ghost gold country and the wing fire country is also a piece of cake. At that time, is it not a beautiful thing for our four countries to divide the territory of the three kingdoms? !

This kind of good opportunity is a rare event! So don't miss the passing, don't miss it, and promise us Dongfengguo's proposal. Let's fight!

(End of this chapter)

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