Chapter 3501 has actually been withdrawn.

The three emperors of Wing Huoguo, Huo Mingqi, frowned and said: "You should not be too lightly enemies. It is said that the Fenghua female emperor is very secretive. She can become a female emperor of Dongfengguo from a family of third-class countries, and she must have something extraordinary."

"But it's just a rumor! What can a taco film have?" Even if she is a bit powerful, can she still block the three-nation coalition? I think, maybe she will send it down soon." Jin Hao Kui retorted.

Huo Mingzhen thought that too, the Fenghua female emperor would be even more powerful, and the power of one country could not compete with their three countries, so there would be no more to say.

The people decided to wait another day, if the Fenghua female emperor did not surrender, then go to war.

The next morning, a general rushed to report: "Marshal, the opposite Dongfeng country resident is very quiet, there is no figure of a soldier, do we want to explore in the past?"

The original question of the criminal town asked: "You said that there is no one in the opposite position? Is the Dongfengguo people scared away by us?"

Huo Mingqi frowned. "I think this may be the trap set by the Fenghua female emperor. Before she fought with Jingmu, she used empty city plans and traps. Will she set traps in front of their camps and wait for us? What about being fooled?"

Although the prisoner’s original town felt that Huo Mingqi’s words were somewhat alarmist, but the first thing that was in the trap of the Fenghua female emperor would inevitably affect morale, she said:

"The three emperors said that it makes sense. In case, just in case, General Feng, you let the soldiers carefully test, don't ambush."

Therefore, the general Feng led the soldiers to be cautious, and it took a lot of effort to finally confirm that the Dongyingguo’s big camp was really a figure, so they all retreated!

After the punishment of the town and the people, after receiving the report, they all had some arrogance, but they all really withdrew? Is this not yet going to war? The people of Dongfengguo have all been withdrawn?

Jin Haokui laughed and said: "How? I said that Dongfengguo could not stand a blow. They must have fled the wind. Maybe the Fenghua female emperor would surrender soon."

Huo Mingxi disagreed and said: "If it is to look at the wind and flee, the Fenghua female emperor will not be able to send the book directly. As for the army to run together?"

Everyone thinks about it, what kind of medicine is sold in this Fenghua female emperor?

However, no matter what, it can't be so consumed, or it should be pursued by victory. Therefore, the Allied Allies are heading towards the territory of Dongfeng.

The Allied forces of the Three Kingdoms have gone for hundreds of miles in a row. Even after two empty cities, they still have not found the army of Dongfeng State. Not to mention the army, even the ordinary people did not see one. Dongfengguo’s People seem to disappear from the air.

In order to prevent the empty city plan or trap in the beginning of the cloud, the Allied Allies did not go to an empty city or the valley to carefully explore before they dared to continue moving forward, so the stop-and-go delay for several days.

The original people of the penalty town and the original people were proud of the beginning. They believed that the people of Dongfengguo were frightened and daring, so they all fled.

However, the accident happened smoothly, but these people have some drums in their hearts. They always feel that something is wrong. They will not be trapped in the Fenghua female emperor.

But I thought that even if there was any conspiracy, the power of the three countries could still be easily won, so continue to pursue.

On this day, the Allied Allies were blocked by a large river.

(End of this chapter)

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