Chapter 3508 Boulders

The punishment of the town and other people looked at the city, and sure enough, the city pool was built with a huge piece of stone, it looks very strong.

Standing on the wall, the soldiers guarded by Dongfengguo, waiting in a row, apparently ready for the battle.

The criminal town originally felt that the Three-Power Allied Forces had been attacking in the past few days, so they did not order the siege. Instead, they let the soldiers camp on the spot and then negotiated.

On the other side, on the wall, the female emperor is curiously watching the boulder piled up on the wall.

Sima Yi’s eyes twitched, and they’re really big! When is this, what can be seen in this broken stone? !

At the beginning, the four kingdoms of Dongfengguo captured the capital of the country, and the guards of the city of Stonehenge would have seen the general trend of surrendering directly, so Yunchu did not pay much attention to the city.

After arriving today, I realized that this boulder city is really interesting. Because the materials of these boulders are exactly the same as those of the stone beasts at the entrance of the Yuan Yuanzong and the mixed Yuanzong.

It is reasonable to say that these stones should be treated as babies. After all, the stone beasts made with it can produce intelligence, but they are so built into the walls. It’s a violent thing!

However, the black heart nine thinks about it, it is estimated that this stone beast needs a long and long time to produce intelligence, so no one will pay for it.

The black heart is a move in the heart, and the stone beast will take a long time to be alive, but you don’t have to! She now has only five skeletons created by the Millennium Iron, and if the stones of these walls are forged into shackles...

Sima Yi was so eager to discover that their family was kneeling... crazy!

Their sire was like a sly smirk on the wall of the city. He shouted several times and did not react.

Sima Yixiang had to look at the helplessness and look at a certain face that was deserted. Emperor Bei glanced at a smirk. He was most familiar with this smile. This product has always been greedy for money. I am afraid it is different from the stone. It's unusual.

However, although this giant stone is sturdy and incomparable, it cannot be made into a spiritual device. There is no great use except for the wall. What is the little rogue intended to do with it?

Black Heart Nine smirked for a long time, hate can not get down a boulder now to go to the test, but now the situation is special, can only bear it.

When the goods came to mind, they took out the bloodless proverb: "Wuji brother, how is the matter going?"

Soon, the voices trembled, and there was a voice of bloodless sorrow: "The three countries of Liutu have agreed to establish a covenant with us, are mobilizing the army, and will soon sneak into the starry country. Xiaojiu sister, Waiting for my good news!"

After the cloud 玖 玖 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 眯眯 回复 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血

Sima Yi almost happily picked up and finally saved!

Emperor Beibei’s brows also slightly stretched. If the three countries did not agree to form an alliance, he would only try to try other methods.

At this moment, I heard the black heart nine faintly said: "You don't have to be too happy too much. Let's borrow the tiger to drive the wolf. Once the three kingdoms are destroyed, the Liuguoguo three countries will definitely find a way to take us. Dongfengguo is also gone."

Sima Yixiang’s face was stiff, although he did not want to admit it, but when he thought about it carefully, his family’s fears were completely necessary.

There is a saying in his family that there are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

Now their goals are the same, so the three countries of Liutuo and their Dongfeng countries form an alliance. Once the three countries of the Star Kingdom are destroyed, the three countries of the country will definitely turn their targets to their Dongfeng country.

(End of this chapter)

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