Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3519: She said that the opportunity to dominate the king came (question for the monthly pas

Chapter 3519, she called the opportunity to dominate the king (seeking a monthly pass)

At the beginning of the cloud, I walked to the entrance of the cave and looked out. I saw huge waves rushing toward the cliffs. The original sea level rose by hundreds of feet, and most of the cliffs were already submerged in the sea.

Fortunately, the bird's nest was built at the highest point, so it was not submerged by the sea.

Under the leadership of the Bird King, the looming giant-winged birds are constantly killing with large sea animals in the sea.

When I saw the sea beasts at the beginning of the cloud, I almost laughed, and the jagged sea pigs were too ugly! Although the length is similar to that of pigs, it is even more difficult than pigs. The skin is crumpled and there is a pair of huge fangs.

However, although this jagged sea pig is long and ugly, it seems to be fierce, and it is not afraid of those giant-winged birds.

And the sound of snoring came from under the sea, and it was estimated that those jagged sea pigs were biting the cliff.

Da Mao said with anger and anger: "It's over! It's over! Once these jagged sea pigs have broken the cliffs, we will have no place to settle down in the future. There is only one cliff in this square, and there is not even a small island."

When I heard the big hair at the beginning of the cloud, my heart was gloating, so! Call you to eat the aging mother, get the retribution!

However, this goods soon thought that now is the time of chaos, why not she flee now?

So she said to Da Mao: "Big hair, hurry to me, we are leaving here!"

Da Mao looked at the huge waves of the sky and heard the sorrow of his companions. He said, "I want to protect our lair with my companions. If you want to kill me, then you will kill!"

Da Mao said, flying straight out of the nest, went straight to the eyes of a jagged sea pig and smashed.

Black Heart Nine did not expect Da Mao to do this, muttered: "Hey, it’s quite a **** thing! If you forget, you will spare me!"

The black heart nine called out the board and flew out of the cave.

Although some of the giant-winged birds have found her figure, but they have no time to take care of her, they have worked together to attack the more jagged sea pigs on the sea.

The sawtooth sea pig is obviously ironed to destroy the nest of the giant-winged bird. If there are no giant-winged birds and they are rushing, their food will be rich, so this golden opportunity must not be missed.

When the cliff was originally cast into the nest by the giant-winged bird, it was hollow, and with the slap of the giant waves and the bite of the sawtooth sea pig, it quickly broke into two.

Even if the following half is not broken, there is no way to build a nest again, because it is too close to the sea surface, it will be soaked by sea water, and secondly it will be attacked by sea animals.

To add insult to injury, in order to rescue a young bird, the bird king was temporarily dragged into the sea by several serrated sea pigs, and soon became red.

The glimpse of the giant-winged flock of birds has no heads, and suddenly it is a mess, and it can only whisper in the air.

The black heart in the distance looked at the scene in front of me, and she was not a bad-hearted person. But now these giant-winged birds have no bird kings, and there is no place for nesting. good chance?

This sea of ​​heaven is boundless. It is really difficult to rely on her alone to reach the land. If a group of birds protect her, is it not beautiful?

Moreover, if you put these birds into the desert, you might find the exit directly, and you don't have to cross the sea of ​​the sky.

Eighth, see you at noon tomorrow, remember to vote for the monthly vote, limit two shots per day, and limit five shots per month.

I am sorry for the recent update. But the code word needs inspiration. It really doesn't mean that bamboo can work hard to write it out quickly. Sometimes things are too much, my heart can't stand still, I can't write a few words in front of the computer for a long time, so I can keep the current update, bamboo really does its best.

(End of this chapter)

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