Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3551: Xiaobai face is my little cute

Chapter 3551 Xiaobai face is my little cute

The black heart saw the owner of the dusty house and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Emma! Scared me! How did this blue dust become a snake disease?!"

The little black bird inside the beast bag said: "Master, isn't the white face a snake disease? You are not afraid of him for Mao?"

Black Heart Nine picked an eyebrow: "Can the blue dust be compared with the little white face?! The little white face and the snake disease will not hurt me. This blue dust is overcast and dark, I always feel dangerous.

Besides, Xiaobai face is my little cute, and I like it again! ”

The little black bird was almost spit out! Its owner also has a tendency to develop snake disease!

When I mentioned the Emperor Beibei, the black heart frowned at nine times and said with a voice: "I was brought to the guest house by the blue dust. There are many guards here, or else you will be next to the North Peak Spirit Park tomorrow. Waiting for me near the huts, then let's slip out?"

Inside the voice, there was a voice that was quite a bit screaming: "The deity has his own arrangements, waiting!"

Black Heart Nine did not hope to agree with the Emperor Beibei. After all, letting a person who is forced to hide in the vicinity of the female huts is really a shame, not to mention a clean snake.

When Black Heart Jiu was planning to put away the sounds, the voices trembled again. The heart said, isn’t the white face changed his mind?

After she probed into the gods, there was a cold voice from the emperor: "Don't sleep this evening! Practice!"

Black Heart Nine: "..."

Is it sick?

Do not sleep at night, practice?

Black Heart Nine did not take care of this snake essence, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

However, every half hour, a certain will give her a voice, the content is the same: "Get up, practice!"

The black heart and nine gas almost pinched the sound into a slag, and yelled at the sound: "Little white face, are you sick?! The old lady is going to sleep, you shut me up!"

However, useless!

The voice still began to tremble on time, and the black heart nine had to climb up and practice. My heart was to hate a certain person and prepared more than one hundred kinds of torture, which were used to punish a certain deity.

After the sun came out, the voice of a certain statue disappeared.

Black heart and nine gas straight bites, although the practitioners do not sleep for a few days, there is no problem, but this goods have always been good to eat and sleep well, did not sleep for one night, my heart is extremely unhappy.

At this time, the sound of apricot rain gnashing teeth was heard at the door: "In the early days of Lin, the owner asked you to serve him in the past, and you hurry out."

Black hearts and nine eyes flashed a bit of killing: "Roll! Kill you again!"

Apricot Rain: "..."

Other maids: "..."

Was this forest crazy at first?

The apricot rain slowed down, sneered, and did not continue to knock on the door. Instead, he went to the bedroom of the Dust House and said respectfully: "The owner, the slave, just passed your orders, but the early forest made the slaves roll. , look?"

"You come in and wait for this seat to wash!" There is a voice that is clear and clear.

Apricot rain slightly swollen face suddenly showed a smug color, that Lin was really dead at the beginning of her life, she has a good look!

After the apricot rain entered, I saw the owner of the dusty cabinet sitting in the bed next to the bed, and could not help but violently beating. Even though I could see the owner every day, I was still amazed by the beauty of the owner.

(End of this chapter)

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