Chapter 3579 peeks at the emperor

Black Heart Nine took out the heaven and earth, and after preheating, he then ordered the emperor to send herbs to the alchemy furnace according to what she said.

Emperor Beibei quickly and accurately put the herbs into the inside, but the eyes are always concerned about the beginning of the cloud.

Black Heart Nine naturally feels the peep of the Emperor Beibei, and there is still a bit of pride in his heart. The little white face peeks at her. Doesn't she think she is good at watching it?

Finally, there is a unique aroma of medicinal herbs in the heaven and earth, and the heart of the black heart is a joy!

The look of Emperor Beibei became more and more tense, and the eyes that looked at Yun’s early eyes became more frequent. The black heart was really unable to hold the curiosity in his heart. He looked at the emperor and asked: “Male god, do you think that I am coming? The better you read it? Or why do you always peek at me?"

Emperor Beibei did not marry her as usual, but a faint sigh.

Blackheart Jiuyue feels that things are not right, what is this little white face?

Finally, after the refining of the medicinal herbs was completed, after the opening of the Dan furnace cover, Emperor Beibei quickly took the medicinal herbs into the storage ring.

Black Heart Nine looked at him like a thief-like look, could not help but laugh, is he still afraid that she can steal? !

Emperor Beibei looked at the cloud and looked at her. As usual, she was relieved.

Jiuxincao is also known as the nine-turned soul-returning grass. He knows that the cloud is the soul of the heavens. He is afraid that the original soul of this body has not yet dispersed. If it smells the smell of nine-turning, it is very likely You are vying for the right to use the body.

However, this is not the most worrying thing for Emperor Beibei, because the chances of this body's original soul not being scattered are very, very small.

What he is more worried about is that there is also a seal in the body of the cloud. The nine-core grass has a weak effect on the seal. He is afraid that the cloud will trigger any abnormality after the seal.

He also worried that the beginning of the cloud would inspire the seal to have any bad consequences and what would cause damage to her.

The reason why it was sealed is that it is for several reasons, either to suppress the old disease, to hide the enemy from hiding, or to be seriously injured at the time. If it is the last one, it is better to say that it is the first two. Kind of reason.

Moreover, there are still a few fears in his heart that he has not noticed. If Xiao Jiu inspired the seal, would he forget him?

Yun Chuan knew nothing about this, and the goods urged Emperor Beibei to quickly take the medicinal interest rate adjustment, and strive to restore strength quickly, and then manipulate the flying spirits to fly toward the battlefield.

At this time, the Allied Forces of the four countries had just won the wing fire country, and the monarchs of the three countries of Liutuguo came to the battlefield. The three men poked a consensus and the next step was to annex Dongfengguo.

The three agreed that the celebration feast tonight was a good time to tear the face. At that time, the generals of Dongfengguo were deducted and forced to surrender.

In the evening, the big accounts specially built by Liu Tuguo were brightly lit and mixed, which was very lively.

Sima Yi was perfunctory on the opposite side, but his heart was very worried. He felt that it might be a time to tear his face tonight. Although he had arranged according to the words of his family, his heart was still not at the end, which attracted the wolf to drive the tiger. ?

When Sima Yi was playing drums in the heart, Liu Zhaoguo’s Zhao Xiaodi smiled and said: “Sima Yixiang, is the Fenghua female emperor in your country still in retreat? It’s not awkward to talk, this time the four-nation celebration feast, She doesn't even show up, it's a bit unjust!"

It was too late to go to the hotel yesterday. I got out of the four chapters in the morning and came back in the evening to get two more chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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