Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3583: Being robbed on the shoulders

Chapter 3583 was taken away on the shoulders

After the discussion of the three people of Zhaoyi Emperor, a dinner was held the next day.

During the meeting, the three men pulled the words back and proposed that the four countries should form an alliance to attack the Heavenly Kingdom, and then the four countries would divide all the territories.

The female emperor was pleased to answer, as if she could not remember the night before, and she was quite heartless.

The three emperors of the Zhaoyi Emperor are disheartened. This Fenghua female emperor is really a fool, so that they can win the heavens, and they will wait for the country to die!

After the female emperor returned to the big account, the emperor, the bloodless and the dark wind were discussing things in the big account.

The bloodless Promise saw the black heart nine, laughing and not closing his mouth: "Small nine sister, you can finally come back! I have to want to die you!"

The black heart slammed his mouth: "Is it? How do I hear that the black-brother brother was taken away by a woman a few days ago? I still want to save you. I didn't expect you to run back, you will not be Sacrifice the hue before you escape?"

The **** face is suddenly red like a monkey butt!

He said dryly: "Nonsense, nonsense! Where did I get caught? It is obvious that I am going to chase... In short, I have something to do with it, you should stop asking. You will talk about it, Zhao Zhao What did the three old kings of the emperor say?"

The black heart was so apologetic that he was so upset that he no longer asked, and said: "They will once again form an alliance with our Dongfengguo and attack the heavens together.

I know that their intentions are nothing more than trying to destroy the Heavenly Kingdom and then destroying our Dongfeng State. It is really beautiful! At that time, I will let them know what is going to move their own feet. ”

After a few words of bloodless profane, he hurried back to his big account.

He recalled the day's things, his face could not help but reveal a bit of smirking, but when he remembered something, his face showed a bit of gnashing his teeth. His bloodlessness can always be said to have been deliberate, but since he met the little goblin, He is home to the nest! The world name is ruined!

More than a month ago, with the Dongfengguo army attacking the ghost gold country, in the process of marching, passing a valley full of spirit bees, the goods said to the dark wind: "Little nine sister likes to eat honey, I enter Get some honey in the valley, you will wait for me at Taniguchi."

Although the dark wind felt that the goods were not adjusted, the progress of the matter was very smooth, and it was not bad for a while, so I did not say anything. Besides, even if he said something, there would be no major masters who would not listen.

Then, the bloodless stepped into the valley to pick honey.

Although the goods said that they want to help the black heart to pick honey, in fact, there is a hint of hope in the heart. The last time I helped Xiaojiu sister pick honey, I met the **** woman, maybe I can meet this time!

Unfortunately, this item picked a lot of hive and did not encounter the last woman, so I had to go out of the valley.

Just as he was preparing to leave with the dark wind, he suddenly saw a woman’s back in the valley, and suddenly he jumped up in his heart. The more he saw it, the more he felt his heart, and the scorpion chased him back. past.

The dark wind was shocked. When he looked up, he only saw a back shadow and coughed. It should be two, because the bloodless prodigy had already been taken away by the woman on the shoulder...

(End of this chapter)

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