Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3629: Soldiers are not deceived

Chapter 3629 is not deceived

I wish the elders frown, this Fenghua female emperor has a lot of bad water, but it is better to speed up the battle, so he did not let others fight, but personally walked toward the black heart nine.

Black heart nine heart suddenly, she dealt with the small **** to deal with the hate palace, this wish the elders spiritual strength is much higher than her, she can not win him.

The goods screamed and snorted: "I don't want to deal with waste like you, my brother, I will give it to you!"

Watching the lively bloodlessness: "..."

The blood that was caught on the shelves of the ducks was not seen. The black heart nine had already gathered around the emperor to sell Meng, and had to walk to the elders.

I hope that the elders don't have much news about the bloodlessness, just know that there is a red man with a fascinating beauty in the face of the female emperor.

He looked at the bloodless Promise, and his spiritual power was comparable to that of him. He was all five layers of the same, but he did not take the blood in the heart.

Although the spiritual power is the same, after all, his experience of enemies is much richer than him, and it is not a problem to win him.

However, after the fight, I wish the elders to be terrified to discover that this bloodless promise, although the level of spiritual power is the same as him, but the actual ability is far more than the five layers of the Lingtong, can not help but secretly complain.

The blood is endless but it is free to swing. This kind of heart wants to let Xiaojiu’s sister look at it. He is also very powerful. Don’t think that the face is the best in the world! However, that facial paralysis is indeed abnormal, it is not a person!

I wish the elders soon fell into the wind, and he simply turned to the angry and commanded people behind him, and wanted to win by number.

When I thought of it, just as his voice just fell, a white shadow flashed, and Emperor Beibei joined the battle.

In the blink of an eye, I wish the elders to be held in the hands of Emperor Bei, and the black heart came to the spirit of nine times, and the person who took the smashing stick out of the hate palace: "Hey! Let me give up, or else I will kill this." Lao Wang Ba!"

It’s totally different from the people who hate the palace, which is totally different from what they expected in their hearts!

I thought that so many people who surrounded Dongfengguo must be hand-to-hand. When did you think of it for a while, I wish the elders to be held hostage?

The people who hated the palace all looked at the elders and wished the elders to cry in horror: "Let's let go, let go, let them go!"

The person who left the hate palace had to give way to the black heart and the nine people.

Black Heart Jiuyi Road insisted that the elders out of the valley, when flying on the spirit of the ship, the shopper fell from the stick and directly killed the elders!

The people who hate the palace are angry: "The Fenghua female emperor, don't say that if you let go, you will let the elders? Why did you kill him?"

The black heart is stunned: "The soldiers are not deceived, don't you know? A bunch of stupid forks! Go back and tell you that the palace owner, don't think that you have to hold the thigh of the dusty lord, everything will be fine, and sooner or later I will kill him!"

After the black heart and nine squats, sitting on the flying spirits and going away.

The person who hated the palace wanted to chase, but when he thought of the metamorphosis of the emperor, he was still dying.

Black Heart sighed and sighed, said: "I am still too weak chicken, when can you be as powerful as the male god?! Even if it is as powerful as the black-brother brother!"

A faint look at her: "If you know that you are too weak, but still come to practice?!"

Black Heart Nine: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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