Chapter 3703 Unknown Swords

Of course, Yunchu also saw that the way to recruit disciples in the three major sects was not the same as what she had known before. After a few words, I decided to try it because she had no other choice now.

In addition to some people recommending, or the descendants of the people of the ancestors, there is a way to join the three major sects, that is hard.

Of course, this hard battle is not the shackles of people going to the home, but the three major sects and the two islands have special trial passages.

If the passer-by can pass all the trials, then you can become a disciple of Zongmen. As for the comrades or the outside disciples, you must look at the ruling of Zongmen.

If you think that there will be a lot of people going to the trial channel, it is a big mistake!

The checkpoints set in these trial passages are not only unpredictable, but also very dangerous. Many people will die in the first pass, and they will die when they die. People will never pay attention to them.

Therefore, at first, there were people who were not willing to go to the trial passage, but tens of thousands of years have passed, and there are only a handful of people who can pass through the passage. This method of worshipping the sect is almost no one has mentioned.

Instead of risking life and passing through the trial channel, it is better to walk around, find someone to recommend, or marry a disciple in Zongmen, even if it is a small trick.

Blackheart sighed. If it wasn't for time, she would rather walk away. With her eloquence and money, she should also be able to make the three sects, but now time is not allowed, and she can only take risks. !

The reason why this goods dare to go, there is another reason, that is, when the goods are about to leave, the yarn ball tells her that the mirror has been restored, and she can go in and avoid it at the crucial moment.

At the beginning of the cloud, he studied the materials of the three major sects and finally decided to go to the unknown swords.

The reason why I chose the unnamed swordsmanship is that the nameless swordsmanship is the closest. Secondly, this goods is good enough to have mastered the chaos of the chaos. Is this a little talent for practicing swords? !

At the beginning of the cloud, he made up his mind and went to the unnamed sword.

When the goods left the capital of the Imperial City, they purchased a lot of things like chili noodles. Therefore, they did not go to the nearby towns to purchase, and went directly to the Zongmen of the unknown swords.

At the beginning of the cloud, the original appearance has been restored on the flying spirit. This will not cause unnecessary trouble in the future. Secondly, she does this in order to block the mouth of Jiugege in the future and prove that she is now It really has nothing to do with the Qingtian Empire.

The mountain gate of the unnamed swordsmanship is not quite the same as that of the Yunchu. It was originally thought that such a large-scale door of the unnamed swordsmanship, the mountain gate must be repaired with magnificent grandeur and beautiful, and it should be stronger than the Chaotian.

However, the ordinary mountain gates can't be ordinary again. If you don't know, you think it's a small martial art that doesn't flow!

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the map and looked at the plaque on the martial art. This confirmed that I had not taken the wrong place.

When Yunchu was looking around, the disciple of the gatekeeper found her. One of them shouted: "This is an unknown sword school. No one can stay, no speed, no speed!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he quickly said: "I am here to get started!"

The attitude of the disciple who spoke suddenly eased a lot: "Oh? Getting started? Then who did you recommend? Have you brought a letter of recommendation?"


(End of this chapter)

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