Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3705: Not as simple as you think

Chapter 3705 is not as simple as imagined.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought that entering the cave was to enter the road of nine deaths and one life. I didn’t expect to go into the cave for a short period of time, and my eyes suddenly opened up.

There is a corrugated enchantment in front of the cloud, and it is faintly visible that the stone steps are step by step. It is estimated that only entering this enchantment is the real nine deaths.

The beginning of the cloud is about to enter, but there is a voice of the cat scorpion in the gods: "Master, it’s too dangerous to go through the road, you still think about other ways."

At the beginning of the cloud, she sneered in her heart. She knew why the cat scorpion had to stop her. It was nothing more than fear that she would die if she died inside.

Although Yunchu thinks so in his heart, he said to the cat scorpion: "There is no other way at the moment, only one glimpse!"

Just if I am really dead, I am really sorry for you! After all, you are likely to be trapped in it forever. ”

The words of the beginning of the cloud are like the knife stuck in the heart of the cat scorpion. The cat scorpion said a few words about life and death, what is dead and no complaints, and the heart is like a dog!

What's special, if this little girl really died in this nine-day life, it is not a hole in itself to bury itself?

At the beginning of the cloud, he took a deep breath and lifted his foot into the ripples.

The scenery in front of the scene has become a stone step that has been counted on numerous levels. The cloud has already participated in numerous tests of large and small, and the number of steps has not been cooked any more.

In my heart, this step is nothing more than the willpower of the people, climb it!

However, things were not the same as she thought. After she climbed up for a while, she accidentally turned back and found that except for the step under her feet, all the steps below disappeared, and the following is a deep abyss.

If the average person sees this situation, it will be shocked. If it is not good, it will fall directly from the stairs. Once it falls, it will be gone.

Black Heart Nine is very interested in the nickname: "Hey, a little meaning! This design is still good. If I have learned this method, can I get a castle in the air? I think it is very hard!"

The cat scorpion inside the beast bag almost cried!

When is this all the time? This stinky head still thinks about these messy things! It’s over, it’s over, it’s 80% really self-defeating this time! I am afraid I will die here!

In order to test the following steps, Black Heart Nine really did not have it. I took out the rolling pin and poked it down. I found that there was nothing really there. I was more interested in this method.

Therefore, the goods looked back after each paragraph, and the steps that had passed through disappeared.

The goods walked and played, and they jumped forward and walked.

The goods said to themselves: "It’s weird. Is this stone step just a test of the courage of the people? Is it too big to use it too? Is it also worthy of a life of nine deaths?"

When the goods were muttering, the steps in front of them began to disappear three times, that is to say, the black heart nine had to jump to pass.

The goods were originally bouncing, and they simply did not agree with it.

I have to say that this product can still be changed at this time, and it will be replaced by others. Every time you jump, you must overcome the fear in your heart. Because you are going to empty, you will fall.

It is no longer flying here. Once it falls, it will die in all likelihood.

(End of this chapter)

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