Chapter 3736 Eating buns?

Those who watched the excitement would naturally not miss such a good opportunity. They spontaneously followed the Yunchu and Zhugedong, and rushed to the commandments hall.

Zhugetang’s eager awkwardness, this cloud is a sacred ancestor!

He also heard that this cloud was first introduced to the grandson of the elders, and he heard that he still had a broken kitchen knife and Ouyang’s head than the sword. She is a trick!

Although the Zhugetang Lord can't help but forge the swordsmanship, there is no such thing as a cloud bag, but he still feels relieved and hastily followed the past.

Fan Guan slammed his mouth and immediately rushed to the Discipline Hall with the Zhang Jun and several other dining halls that were beaten.

The nameless swords are divided into upper, middle and lower courts. They can be seen from the name. The lower house is the lowest level of existence, and the lowest name in the entire unnamed sword school.

The Discipline Church does not belong to any hospital, so its status is detached, and it avoids scruples in the process of law enforcement. Therefore, most people will be beaten from the bottom of their hearts when they are told to be sent to the Discipline.

The Discipline Hall is set at the foot of the Tibetan Jianfeng. There is a long distance from the lower house. However, no one has gone to the sword, and they are walking honestly.

Black Heart Nine also knows when looking at the door rules, unless there is an emergency, otherwise it is not allowed to fly in the sect.

As for the disciple who wants to practice the sword, the nameless swordsman has a special area for the sword to fly.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out a meat bun and handed it to Zhuge Dong: "East brother, I have to have physical strength for a while, first padding my stomach."

Zhuge Dong took the meat buns: "Yun Shimei, where did you get the meat buns?"

"When I was smashing the bastard, I took it with a handful of eggs. Do you want a bowl?"

Zhuge Dong: "..."

The first time I heard about a fight, I was able to take care of it, and I still ate it. This Yunshimei is really... different.

Zhuge Dong held a meat buns in his hand, and for a moment he did not know whether to eat or not.

Black Heart Nine can be eaten without any mess, while muttering: "The **** of the dining hall are not very good, but the buns are still delicious."

Zhuge Dong was also a little hungry, and then smelled the smell of the meat buns. He bit his teeth and ate the meat buns on his hands.

Zhuge Dong chewed the meat buns in his mouth, but his eyes were a little red.

In the past few years, they have been isolated and oppressed with Zhugetang. They haven’t tasted the taste of meat for a long time. If it weren’t the meat buns that the little girl had gone out, he would forget what the meat tasted! What's so special!

"Yun Shimei, are you still? Give me a few more!" Zhuge Dong said this sentence at the same time, I feel that some of my heart has also dissipated.

At the beginning of the cloud, he immediately handed Zhuge Dong a plate of meat buns. The two of them walked and ate. It was not like going to the Discipline Hall for trial. It was like an outing.

Those who followed the people who eat melons face each other, aren’t they saying that this cloud was originally a Fenghua female emperor? How do you look like a starving ghost?

When is this all the time, even remember to eat?

At this time, the sky is already bright, and there are more and more people gathered behind the clouds and Zhuge.

The male disciples are okay. Some female disciples have heard that they have been guilty of sinful disasters after they have committed crimes. They have been very upset since they heard about this cloud.

Not to mention anything else, she simply dared to refuse to ask for help, it is enough for these female disciples to resent her.

(End of this chapter)

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