Chapter 3740 has a major event.

Ouyang’s head saw the first look of the cloud. It was very calm, and the heart said, is it really hidden?

"The beginning of the cloud, you said that because the door sent a big event, so the sound of the drums? Then you talk about what happened to the martial art?"

The cloud’s first look said seriously: “It’s a big event that affects our nameless swords!” Otherwise, I won’t knock the drums.

Zhugedong on the side is going to cry!

Yun Shimei, you have already caused a big disaster, don’t talk nonsense! Also related to the big name of the unnamed sword to live and die? What is the big deal!

Everyone present also felt that the beginning of the cloud was nonsense, but Ouyang’s head did not speak. They should listen to how this cloud will lie in the end.

Ouyang’s head looked deep into the clouds and looked at it: “Is it a big deal that affects the life of the unknown sword? Then what are you talking about?”

At the beginning of the cloud, he said without hesitation: "At the head, if someone in the sect of the sect is instructing the revenge of the miscellaneous service, it is not a big deal."

Ouyang’s palm is frowning. What kind of thing is this big? It’s nothing more than a trifle!

Everyone is even more grinning. This cloud is really a mystery. Is this a big deal?

Those who know the contradiction between the beginning of the cloud and the fan management are even more ridiculous in their hearts. Does she think that the contradiction between her and Fan management is also a big deal?

At the beginning of the cloud, the volume was slightly increased, and then said: "Hey, if someone in the Zongmen uses his authority, inciting the doorman to make trouble, and ruining the sect of the Zongmen, is it a big deal?"

Ouyang’s palm was frowned. Although this matter is more serious than what I said just now, isn’t it a big event that affects the life of the door?

The crowds on the crowd also sneered in sneer. This cloud is simply a sham, and there is nothing big at all.

At this time, the volume of the cloud at the beginning of the cloud is raised again: "Hey, if someone has the idea of ​​playing the sword pool, do you say that this is not a big deal related to the death of the door?"

The look of Ouyang’s head suddenly stunned: "What? Someone has the idea of ​​playing the sword pool? This is of course a big event. Who is the courage to dare to fight the sword pool?"

Not only was Ouyang’s head surprised, but almost everyone present was shocked!

Jianchi can be said to be the foundation of the unnamed sword school. If someone has the idea of ​​playing the sword pool, it is simply the bottom line of the challengeless swordsman. Who is so daring? !

Everyone looked at the beginning of the cloud and waited for her to say the person who had the idea of ​​the sword pool.

The beginning of the cloud slightly hooked the corner of the mouth: "Head, as for the idea of ​​who is playing the sword pool, I am small, but also just getting started, so I don't know much.

However, I can provide you with two small shrimps. You will go up the small shrimps and you will catch the big fish. ”

Ouyang’s face changed and he said coldly: “Who are you talking about two small shrimps?”

At the beginning of the cloud, I glanced at the crowd and said slowly and calmly: "The fan of the lower house and the management of Jianchi."

When the cloud is first, the exit is first, and the scene is silent first, then the frying pan!

Zhuge East almost didn't faint!

Yun Shimei, although your thoughts are good, aren’t you nonsense? Not to mention the field management, the fan management is a management of the lower house, how can he play the idea of ​​the sword pool?

Finished! Now, the little nine sisters have another crime of filthing the same door. It is simply a sin!

(End of this chapter)

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